✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids icon

✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids -----

Create custom items/armors/huds/guis/emojis/blocks/food/hats/ores/liquids/mobs with custom texture

The biggest ItemsAdder update is here!
Custom animated entities system!

> Tutorial here <

Main features:
- Blockbench extension to convert models
- Completely async, no TPS drops or lag
- Optimized for big servers
- Damage animation
- Fire animation when entity is on fire
- Animate size of entity bones
- Animate rotation of entity bones without any angle limitation
- Multiple mount seats
- Play sounds and particles in animations
- Show entity hands equipment
- Custom hitbox
- MythicMobs and Citizens compatibility (optional dependencies)

Full changelog:

- custom animated entities/mobs system https://itemsadder.devs.beer/plugin-usage/advanced/mobs/advanced-method
- "return_item" attribute for vehicle fuels. For example you can return an empty Petrol Can. https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1369#issuecomment-1048864276

- fixed InventoryCloseEvent error AdvancedLogin https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1448
- fixed "Not implemented!" error when placing a liquid in 1.18.1 https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1464
- fixed blocks loots working also on not full-grown blocks https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1434
- possible fix for breaking animation not being stopped when changing slot https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1482
- fixed furnace permission bypass https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1460
- fixed permission bypass if user has (somehow) unlocked a recipe in the recipesbook and tries to use it without permission using the auto-recipe feature of the recipesbook
- fixed RealisticWorldGenerator compatibility https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1457
- fixed falling through floor after applying resourcepack if floor is only 1 layer of height
- fixed other stores license checking showing the wrong username in some cases
- removed deprecated listener warning
- updated Mimic support https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1503
- fixed Botsentry compatibility https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1485
- fixed /iadrop not working with negative coords
- fixed /iadrop message showing wrong coords
- fixed /iadrop not accepting decimals
- fixed Unhandled exception occured in onPacketSending https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1509
----------, Mar 2, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,756
First Release: Jan 9, 2020
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
627 ratings
Find more info at itemsadder.devs.beer...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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