### Version 1.1 has been released! Heres the changelog:
### Bukkit version changes:
1. Added `reloadconfig` & `add` & `remove` command
2. Fix FakeMessageExecutor
3. Fix /asw status output
4. Use player uuid to store data instead of player object
5. VL-based punishment system
6. Make fake message work under packet mode
7. Remove DatabaseManager & Messages fixes & Added /asw reset command
8. Make hooks reloadable
9. Use Gson to parse response
10. Cache permission check
11. Offload logging operation to single thread
12. Use Caffeine
13. Improve logic in listeners
14. Monitor item spawn
15. Add addallow/removeallow command & More full match condition
16. Further improve library download speed in China
17. Update dependencies
### Velocity version changes:
1. Fix message being sent twice
2. Improve forwarding performance
### Bungeecord version changes:
1. Use LimitedByteArrayDataOutput
### Update Notes:
1. Regenerate message files
2. Update all AdvancedSensitiveWords on your proxy network(if you have)