Added extra options for some commands, check out the commands section in the resource page.
Added option to change scoreboard timer format.
Added Developer API, I am going to release a gist about the API usage. For now, take a look at the package.
Fixed countdown bar throws exception due to wrong calculation of current round.
Fixed potion effects not working in legacy versions of Minecraft.
Fixed arena registration fails on legacy versions of Minecraft.
Changes in config.yml
Code (YAML):
Deathmatch-Settings: # The death match will start when there are 6 or fewer players remaining. After: 6
# Should players be teleported to the spawn point when the arena enters death match? TP-To-Spawn-Point: true
Changes in messages.yml
Code (YAML):
Placeholders: # Both values are inclusive. Timer: # The timer format. Format: "%02d:%02d" messages:
deathmatch-message: -
"" -
"&f&lDeathmatch has started!" -
"&eThe TNT has been released to %tagged_players%" -