Added whitelisted and blacklisted permissions for the Easter Eggs.
Added a new placeholder to show how many different type of Easter Eggs has the player found. (%eastereggs_found_different_types%)
Fixed some particles appear when an Easter Egg block is not saved properly by the server. Now these non-Easter Egg blocks will be removed and a warning message will be appear in the console.
Now interaction with the Easter Eggs will cancel the PlayerInteractionEvent. For example, if you are in the creative mode and interact with an Easter Egg, you'll no longer place a block, etc.
Changes in the config.yml
Code (YAML):
easter-eggs: # Example custom heads website: # Copy the 'Value' under the 'For Developers' section. green_present: # To get this Easter Egg: /eggs green_present texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDA4Y2U3ZGViYTU2YjcyNmE4MzJiNjExMTVjYTE2MzM2MTM1OWMzMDQzNGY3ZDVlM2MzZmFhNmZlNDA1MiJ9fX0=" # Custom messages for different Easter Eggs. # If not specified, default messages from the 'messages' section will be used. egg-already-found: "&c&lYou already found this Easter Egg!" new-egg-found: "&a&lYou found an Easter Egg! &e&l(&a&l{0}&e&l/&a&l{1}&a&l)\n&e&lFind all of them to earn a &b&lawesome reward&e&l!" all-eggs-found: "&a&lCongratulations! You found all the Easter Eggs!" has-blacklisted-perm: "&c&lYou don't have enough permission to collect this Easter Egg!" no-whitelisted-perm: "&c&lYou don't have the required permissions to collect this Easter Egg!" # Set 'NONE' to disable any particle effects. # Custom particle effects can be defined for different Easter Eggs. # If not specified, default particles from the 'particles' section will be used. particles:
found: CRIT
# Custom commands for different Easter Eggs. # By default, commands are executed by the console. # To execute a command as a player, start the command with p:. # # Placeholders: # %player% - Player's name. # %egg_id% - Easter Egg's id. commands:
egg-already-found: [] new-egg-found: [] all-eggs-found: [] has-blacklisted-perm: [] no-whitelisted-perm: [] # The permission settings. permissions: # The Easter Egg can only be collected by players who possess any of the permissions listed below. whitelist: [] # Players with any of the permissions listed below are prohibited from collecting this Easter Egg. blacklist: [] # If this option is disabled, the data for this Easter Egg will not be saved for players who interacted with it. persistent: true
# Should players wait a certain amount of time before collecting this type of Easter Eggs? (Optional, by default no cooldown) cooldown: 0
# Should we disable the action bar messages for this Easter Egg? (Optional, by default the action bar is enabled) action-bar-disabled: false
# Set 'NONE' to disable any. sounds: # The sound that is going to be played when a player tries to collect an Easter Egg and does not have required permission to collect this egg. no-whitelisted-perm: NONE
# The sound that is going to be played when player has a cooldown to collect a specific type of Easter Egg again. cooldown: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
Changes in the messages.yml
Code (YAML):
has-blacklisted-perm: "&c&lYou don't have enough permission to collect this Easter Egg!" no-whitelisted-perm: "&c&lYou don't have the required permissions to collect this Easter Egg!"