✦ TrickOrTreat ✦ | Ultimate recreation of the famous halloween tradition icon

✦ TrickOrTreat ✦ | Ultimate recreation of the famous halloween tradition -----

Collect sweets and ingredients, customize your costume. Ultimate Halloween fun!

Update 0.6.4 | TrickOrTreat is back!
UPDATE v0.6.4
TrickOrTreat is back!


  • [+] You can now force players to finish a task first before they knock on new doors.
  • [+] Compiled against Java 16
  • [+] Ingredient tasks now have a search amount. That means your players now have to search a specific amount of the ingredient to finish the task.
  • [+] Added progressbar to the task (in the game menu)
  • [+] Added compass for the /tot join menu that leads you to the door you have to deliver your ingredient to.
  • [+] You can now force your players to change their costume each time they knock on a door. This prevents them to farm sweets at 75%.
  • [+] You can now setup a respawn time for the ingredients. That means, if a player breaks the ingredient block it takes some time for it to respawn.
  • [~] The costume heads no longer support normal minecraft names as skins. You now have to use the custom Base64 skin codes from https://minecraft-heads.com/
  • [+] You can now specify a custom head as the game item (the default game item is now a trickortreat bag)
  • [+] Added "Deliver Ingredient" animation
  • [+] The tasks now get properly displayed in the game menu
  • [+] The plugin now has the newest version of NBTAPI and XSeries
Config changes
This version of TrickOrTreat is NOT compatible with any older version. If you want to use TrickOrTreat v.0.6.4 you HAVE TO delete your TrickOrTreat folder first!

If you are in need of support, please visit my Discord :)
----------, Oct 1, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 182
First Release: Oct 21, 2018
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings