Update 0.5.9 | A lot of new features, bug fixes and more!
UPDATE v0.5.9 Spooky new features!
[-] Fixed an issue with the /tot reload. Now, the plugin will really reload all settings.
[-] Fixed issue which prevented thief from spawning. Thieves are now more present! Watch out for your thief percentace, because now it could be to high.
[-] Fixed issue which caused tips from showing even if they were disabled. Thank you @HgeX for the report!
[+] You can now add an description for each ingredient! With this new setting, that only this new discription will be printed, its more difficult and challenging for your players!
[+] You can now add tips for heads! Simply go to the config.yml where you have configured your heads and add a tip to the head like this: <SKIN_NAME>:<HEAD_NAME>:<TIP>
[+] Added option which forces you to have joined the halloween event ( /tot join ) in order to trick or treat! This also adds a new message to the messages.yml ( See information below )
No config changes This update contains a lot of config changes so please read carefully:
1) config.yml Open your config.yml and go to the section General. Now add following lines: (Except General: )
Code (YAML):
# If set to true, the players can only trick or treat, # when they joined the event with /tot join # ( Needs to have use_cach_inventorys to be set to true ) force_cach_inventory: false
2) messages.yml Open your messages.yml and add following lines:
Code (YAML):
# If configured, this message will print an ingredient description ingredient_description: -
" &e&lDescription" -
" &b<ingredient_description>" -
" " join_event_required: "&cYou need to join the TrickOrTreat event with &4/tot join &cin order to play!"