✅ AdvancedBCRanks - Great for RPG Servers icon

✅ AdvancedBCRanks - Great for RPG Servers -----

RPG Style ranks | Over 5000 optional dependencies! | Highly customizable | Timed ranks

+ Finished adding support on missing area's
+ Added /bcr hooks(info below)
+ Added the option to add slot locations to rank items(info below)

- Removed debug messages.

/bcr hook
This command allows you to easily verify which plugins has been seen by the plugin during its enabling session.

Ranks can now be set in specific slots(Default -1)
When anything from 0-53(it counts from 0) it will attempt to add it to the given slot, if no value has been input or -1 is set it will just add it to the next available slot.

How to do the Slot option:

Code (Text):
Find the location with your Icon for the rank,
Add: "Slot" as seen below, this way it will not default to -1.

          Icon: FEATHER
          Display-Name: '&4First Tier Rank'
          Slot: -1

If you have any suggestions, feel free to dm me, use our discord or use the git to share them and i'll look into it.

tl;dr How do hooks work:
Supported plugins, aka hooks, are plugins or methods a plugin may use (or need) in order to work.
ABCR is made to work on its own, mainly only requiring vault and a permissions plugin + eco plugin(for vault)
Hooks such as mcmmo, mmocore and more are depending on the plugin type, a soft depend, meaning that the plugin does not "need" them to run, and will only use it if its active.

Hooks always enable prior to the plugin that needs them, this is to ensure a plugin can make optimal use of whatever is required.

In some cases(including acbr) it can work with 3rd party plugins via placehoderapi(or its own api when its stable).
This means that 3rd party plugin does not need to activate prior to abcr since it runs via placeholderapi which abcr loads behind.

Just some background to some that were curious.
----------, Jun 8, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 110
First Release: Sep 7, 2019
Last Update: Sep 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
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