+ Added "vote" support: (vote: <amount>(Requires nuvotifier or votifier)
+ Added "play_one_minute" time support(requested)
+ Redone the "Settings.yml"
* All stats from the spigot statistics page, should now 100% be supported(This includes entities killed, items destroyed, items crafted and blocks mined)
In order for each stat to have configurable support, methods to support those messages were added,
Code (Text):
- ANIMALS_BRED:200:&7[&a✔&7] Bred %s Animals!:&7[&4✘&7] Breed %s Animals.
Now; %current%
- DAMAGE_ABSORBED:20:&7[&a✔&7] Damage Absorbed %s!:&7[&4✘&7] Absorb %s% Damage.
Now; %current%
- HORSE_ONE_CM:30000:&7[&a✔&7] Ridden %s CM on a horse!:&7[&4✘&7] Ride %s
on a horse. Now; %current%
- MINE_BLOCK:200:GRASS_BLOCK:&7[&a✔&7] Dug out %s Grass Blocks!:&7[&4✘&7]
Dig out %s Grass Blocks. Now; %current%
- PLAY_ONE_MINUTE:999999999:&7[&a✔&7] Spend time on the server for
%s:&7[&4✘&7] Spend %s on the server playing. Now; %current%
Per Request and by default, the playerstatistics has login support for how long a player has been with the server.
This statistic is called "play_one_minute".
This name is actually wrong as it goes by ticks.
An example on how to use this setting is:
PLAY_ONE_MINUTE:999999999:&7[&a✔&7] Spend time on the server for %s:Spend a total of %s on the server, Now; %current%
The first section is the name of the stat in question.
Then you need a time, this case 9x9.
The plugin will translate ticks into seconds, then those seconds into 1 minute, so ((9x9)*20)*1 minute
The end result is then converted into days/hours/mins/seconds to make it easier to read(as seen below)