Added ability to have your own items (golf clubs) in players inventories.
Fixed old version particles.
Fixed old version collisions.
Added better collisions for different blocks.
Fixed restart and stop from clearing the inventory when player does the commands.
Fixed joining a game when aready in game.
Added custom sound support.
Fixed on leave server player reset problem when in game.
Fixed player visibility when vanishing is disabled.
Removed end command. Use lose and win commands instead.
Added a listenef for when you teleport to a different world you leave the game.
Added a better color parser for configs.
Fixed more of the ending problems.
Fixing the hiding players after the game and so on.
Added return to previous location option.
Fixed setup for the start position of the each track.
Added special holiday effects.
Added a queue manager for when you have players trying to join a game but there is none available. The player is now added to a queue.
Added permission based priority queue.
Added permission based win/lose commands.
Added more display configuration like name/lore for items.
Added the ability to set all items in the config to custom player heads.
Added per version configurations.
Fixed 1.12 version, forgot to use correct color conversion for older versions.
Fixed custom model data implementation.
Added game status to motd for one game per server.
Added some parameters to preserve player state before the game.
Added a better control over the rules display.
Added more configurations. Regenerate the config.
Added the ability to have multiple win and lose commands.
Added <server_id> to the scoreboard for the NetworkManager.
Fixed some bugs.
Added support for NetworkManager:
Added the ability to use different blocks for edges and floors.
Added remove tool for colliders. Right click on the sword to open colliders remove tool.
Added better auto game selector.
Added optional return server for bungeecord.
Regenerate the config.
Fixed on stop/restart restore players data.
Added a leave item for when you're in a lobby.
Regenerate the config.
Fixing config formatting.
Fixed older version bugs and some config strings.
Fixed bugs for connections.
Fixed ball position and rotation for the player head.
Fixed some older version bugs.
Fixed a small bug for the new feature.
Added ball selector.
Regenerate the config.
Fixed playing scoreboards.
Added support for 1.21 and fixed some small bugs.
Fixed a bug where 2 players can edit the same game at the same time.
Added heads support for balls in the game:
You can regenerate the config to get all the information of how to add it in or check the config in the spigot page.
Fixed a bug when the game ends if scoreboard is disabled.
Added /gp reset command to reset the ball in game when playing.
Fixed paper and other version recognition problems for 1.20.6.
Fixed items pickup after the game ends.
Fixed inventory cleaning when leaving the game early before it ends.
Fixed player hding option.
Added better error descriptions to help with overall setup errors.
Added base permission for all the commands.
Fixed inventory persistence (saving inventory before game and reseting after).
Fixed end game player saving data error if player leaves the server early.
Fixed particle ball effect.
Fixed latest new features bugs.
Added block command options.
Make sure to regenerate the config.
Fixed local database location.
Fixed scoreboard number system.
Fixed a bunch of bugs (database, ball spawning, ball detection...)
Added file database support.
Added config reload command.
Versions from 13+ can now have longer text on scoreboards.
Added colors to some texts that didn't allow it before
You can now specify on which blocks the ball won't reset after it stops moving.
Make sure to regenerate the config!
Fixed ball location for older versions.
Fixed floor detection for older versions.
Fixed particle colors in older versions
Added support for all the versions from 1.8 - 1.20.
If you're using any versions from 1.8 to 1.16 you need to replace the sound and material names in config when the config is generated!
You can now add your own custom models for the balls in the game.
You can now disable in game scoreboards and use your own!
Make sure to regenerate the config!
Added new placeholders for scoreboards
Added edit tool display to the plugin
Added new placeholders:
Players in game count: - %golfparty_game-count_<game_name>%
Game state: - %golfparty_game-state_<game_name>%
In game chat can now be enabled or disabled
Fixed scoreboard weird sign
Fixed join and leave events for the api
Fixed join and leave events for the api
Added disable hiding players for online players.
Important: update config!
Added better player transitions for when the player enters the game and leaves the game most of the player settings are preserved.
Added some more options in config for customizing messages and appearance of the games.
Added autocomplete for commands
Added ball trail particles.
Updated the config and some in game beauty things.
Fixed permission balls error
Added option to have permissions for balls colors.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Fixed the disconnect from server clear inventory issue
Fixed shutdown ball clearing
Fixed the ball throwing when returning from flight bug.
Fixed inventory changing
Fixed 0 music in folder found error
Fixed brodcasting to everyone online
If all players leave the plugin doesn't wait at the end.
Added extra support for colored text
Fixed player disconnect while playing game
Fixed some display bugs and end game errors
- Fixed game reset
- Fixed inventory restore
Fixed editing exit button.