⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics icon

⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics -----

Redefines Player-Staff Interaction; Fosters Disciplined & Quality Service!

8.1.1 - Minor Release - MySQL support, redirect / pick / drop tickets
8.1.1 - Minor Release
This release might not be that stable due to the newly implemented MySQL support.
It's completely fine if you choose not to upgrade to this version at the moment.

- Added "/ticket list" (admin360.staff.basic) so that your staff can see a list of tickets that are currently in the queue.
- Added "/ticket pick <name>" (admin360.staff.basic) so that your staff can pick a ticket to process from the queue without the need to always do the next ticket in the queue.
- Added "/ticket drop" (admin360.staff.drop) so that your staff can drop / abandon a ticket, maybe from an unreasonable guy, to avoid getting revenge rating from him.
- Added "/ticket redirect <name>" (admin360.staff.redirect) so that your staff can redirect / reassign his ticket to another staff.
- Added MySQL Support. You can still use SQLite.
- Fixed a bug that shows incorrect upvote percentage.
- Optimized some arrays and code sections
- Tested on Spigot 1.8.8 and 1.16.4. Should work flawlessly.
- The new MySQL part is tested on a production server and it appears to work properly.
- Fixed some typos in the comment section of the config file.

Upgrade Instructions
Step 1: Shut down your server and make a backup of the /plugins/Admin360-Reloaded/ folder.
Step 2: Open the /plugins/Admin360-Reloaded/ folder and check if there is any existing "config_old.yml" in it. If you find one, please delete it or rename it to something else.
Step 3: Rename the .db file from "xxx.db" to "database.db".
Step 4: Download the "Admin360-Reloaded.jar" from our spigot project page.
Step 5: Drag and replace the "Admin360-Reloaded.jar" in your plugin folder.
Step 6: Restart your server.
Step 7: A new "config.yml" is generated. Your old "config.yml" is renamed to "config_old.yml". Compare the new one with the old one and start migrating your settings if you want to.
(Tips: Use "/admin360 reload" to reload the config file)
(Tips: Use a diff checker to find the changes between the new and old config.yml.)

Configuration Changes
8.0.0 -> 8.1.1: https://www.diffchecker.com/ObzXRm8I
7.1.0 -> 8.0.0: https://www.diffchecker.com/8J218FlC
----------, Jan 10, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49,550
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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