⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics icon

⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics -----

Redefines Player-Staff Interaction; Fosters Disciplined & Quality Service!

[Admin360] New Messages Design + New Configurable messages + Serious Bug Fixed
Please UPDATE IMMEDIATELY! . Serious Bugs Fixed
After working for a couples of hours, The Admin360 6.0.0 is out, finally..... after endless waiting....... I am terribly sorry for my poor responsibility on maintaining this plugin for the past few months....
But anyway, I am very pleased that more and more servers were actually using this plugin! Please update immediately to fix the critical Bugs:
(Again,Sorry for the late updates.)

***Important Note: A huge change of the config.yml..... I have altered the description of different sections (comments), as well as to reorganize different sections in a better and understandable order.....together with a bunch of new messages added ....... which would require much patience if you have already made huge changes with the config.yml in the previous version!***
What items have been fixed or added in this update?

1. Now, with 99.9% of messages are configurable

We are very glad to inform you that, it is more than happy to receive such a good suggestion from our beloved clients. And the suggestion made by SucceededKiller has been put into this update! All the messages used in the Admin360-Reloaded are now all available for configuration!!! Cheers! But it also means a huge change in the config.yml structure.......

2. Redesign of the messages




3. Fixed Critical Bugs

A. I have been testing the plugins on all the minecraft versions, from 1.8.7 to 1.12.2 personally, and everything seems working flawlessly.....The only problem I have discovered is all related to the newly adopted GUI system since version 4.0.0, of which items from the GUI could be glitched in many different ways.....

The problem shall be addressed in the last urgent bug fix patch 5.0.0...However, after running the plugin on a 200 + players server for a while, we have spotted a serious bug, which is going to be explained in detail:

To replicate the bug:
Step 1: Version 4.0.0 to 5.0.0 or below....
Step 2: Wear a full set of armor and put random items in your inventory first.
Step 3: Use the command /request admingui for Staff......
Step 4: Press the "Diamond" (Leaderboard) button or the "Shovel" (Purge) button.....
Step 5: Open the admingui quickly by using the command /request admingui............
Step 6: press the same button again, or any other button...
Step 7: you will find your armors glitched out...............

Which is disappointing....... and finally, after hours of research and huge adjustment of the code, the issue is finally solved. That is why, you shall update to this version without hesitation.........It has fixed a serious bug...

This critical problem has been solved. We are very sorry for that. It is all our fault. We have just realized this problem and we are very sorry to bother you and your players....... :(:(:(Once again, Please update the plugins so that these kinds of bugs would not happen again.

2. No Changes for the Permission Nodes

3. Huge Changes for the Config.yml

Please update your config.yml by the following ways:
A. Delete the old config.yml and restart the server
B. Add all the updated section to the old config.yml of version 4.5.0 or 5.0.0 manually (requires much effort)

For Method A (The easiest method):
1. Stop your server
2. Delete the old admin360 jar and upload the new one
3. Delete the old config.yml in the admin360 folder
4. Restart the server and you are good to go

For Method B (Time consuming):
1. Make sure your OLD config file is compatible with version 4.5.0 to 5.0.0
2. Stop your server
3. Delete the old admin360 jar and upload the new one
4. Follow the following guide and add the updated part to the old config.yml manually

The New config.yml in version 6.0.0 looks like this:
Code (Text):

#Version 6.0.0
#Admin360-Reloaded is now maintained by LuxannaBB from Hong Kong.
#Whenever there is an new update available, please read the instructions carefully stated on the spigot page.
#You might have to update the config file for new variables and features, most likely, for most of the time.
#It could be done by either deleting the config.yml (and restart the server) to regenerate
#a new one, or by adding several new parts to the old config according to the instructions
#stated and specified on our spigot official page. Thank you for your attention and Good luck to yoru server.
#Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/admin360-reloaded.28285/

#Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to approach me.
#Best Regards, LuxannaBB


#Global Prefix
#Set the global prefix of the plugin, which would appear in all the messages.
prefix: "&b&lAdmin360 &f&l>&7 "


#Incorrect Commands
incorrectcmd: "&7Incorrect Commands. Type &c/request help &7for more commands."


#Staff Notification
#Set the messages that could be viewed only by your staff.
newrequestreminder: "&7A new request has been created by &c<player>&7! There are now &c<queuenumber> &7tickets remaining!"


#Admin360 GUI for Players (/request gui)
#A simple GUI to facilitate tickets opening, tracking mechanism for all players.

#GUI Name and Items ID
guiname: "&9&lAdmin360 &fPlayers Panel"
guiitem1: "DIAMOND_HELMET"
guiitem2: "PAPER"
guiitem3: "BOOKSHELF"
guiitem4: "BARRIER"
guiitem5: "WRITTEN_BOOK"

#GUI Items Displayname (title)
guiitem1name: "&6&lHelpme"
guiitem2name: "&b&lStatus"
guiitem3name: "&f&lCount"
guiitem4name: "&c&lCancel"
guiitem5name: "&a&lHelp"

#GUI Items Description (lore)
guiitem1lore: "&fRequest for help"
guiitem2lore: "&fView the status of your ticket"
guiitem3lore: "&fGlobal Statistics of the System"
guiitem4lore: "&fCancel the request"
guiitem5lore: "&fCommands List"


#Admin360 GUI for Staff (/request admingui)
#A simple GUI to facilitate tickets managing mechanism for staff.

#GUI Name and Items ID
adminguiname: "&9&lAdmin360 &fAdmins Panel"
adminguiitem1: "GOLD_HELMET"
adminguiitem2: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE"
adminguiitem3: "GOLD_INGOT"
adminguiitem4: "DIAMOND"
adminguiitem5: "IRON_SPADE"

#GUI Items Displayname (title)
adminguiitem1name: "&6&lNext"
adminguiitem2name: "&b&lClose"
adminguiitem3name: "&f&lHP Stats"
adminguiitem4name: "&c&lLeaderboard"
adminguiitem5name: "&a&lPurge"

#GUI Items Description (lore)
adminguiitem1lore: "&fDeal with next request"
adminguiitem2lore: "&fClose the current ticket"
adminguiitem3lore: "&fHonor Points Statistics"
adminguiitem4lore: "&fAdmin HP Leaderboard"
adminguiitem5lore: "&fRemove all requests in queue"


#Request/Ticket Creating (/helpme or /request helpme)
#Commands Performed by: Players
#Adjust the messages right after a player has used the command /helpme......
#When players use the command /helpme, it would show 5 different messages under 5 different occasions...
#Case1 (helpme_status_waiting) : The player has a pending request. The command takes no effect.
#Case2 (helpme_status_inprocess) : A staff is currently handling the case of that player. The command takes no effect.
#Case3 (helpme_status_waitfeedback) : A staff has just marked a ticket as closed, but that player have not given a feedback yet. The command takes no effect.
#Case4 (requestmessage) : Neither Case 1 to Case 3. You are allowed to open a ticket and your queue number is displayed.
#Case5 (noadmin) : There is No Staff currently online lol.... (Worst Case Scenario)

helpme_status_waiting: "&c<player>, &7We already have a pending ticket from you. Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
helpme_status_inprocess: "&c<player>, &7A staff should be helping with your request right now. Thank you."
helpme_status_waitfeedback: "&c<player>, &7We are awaiting for your generous feedback!"
requestmessage: "&c<player>, &7You have just submitted a request successfully and you are currently Number &c<queueno> &7in the queue! Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
noadmin: "&7We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience, &c<player>. &7There are no staff currently online... Please try again a few minutes later."


#Request/Ticket Handling (/request next)
#Commands Performed by : Staff
#Adjust the messages right after a staff has used the command /request next......
#When a staff used the command /request next, it would show 2 types of messages under 2 kinds of situation.
#admin_norequestinqueue: There are no tickets/requests in the queue currently. You can take a rest xd.
#admin_alreadyattend: You are helping a player, but the ticket has not been marked as closed.
#admin_nohelpingyourself: The staff has opened a ticket and is attempting to attend it himself... which
#would be stopped kindly by the system with a warning message...

#proceedtonextrequest_messageall: There are still pending requests that you are going to handle. A global message
#would be sent to all the players on the server.

admin_norequestinqueue: "&cSir <player>, &7There are no tickets remaining at the moment. We deeply appreciate your effort."
admin_alreadyattend: "&cSir <player>, &7You have still handling a request! Use the command &c/request close &7to close the current ticket!"
admin_nohelpingyourself: "&cSir <player>, &7As a member of the staff team, You are not allowed to farm tickets for your own interest!"

proceedtonextrequest_title: "&b&lAdmin360"
proceedtonextrequest_messageall: "&c<staff> &7is now handling the request made by &c<player>&7! There are now &c<nooftickets> &7tickets remaining."
proceedtonextrequest_remind: "&f&oPlease do not hesitate if you need help! &c/helpme&f&o!"


#Closing a Ticket/Request (/request close)
#Commands Performed by : Staff
#Adjust the messages right after a staff has used the command /request close......
#When a staff used the command /request close, it would show 2 types of messages under 2 conditions...
#admin_notattending: You are not attending any tickets. No tickets would be closed.
#admin_closedticket: You have successfully closed the ticket.

admin_notattending: "&cSir <player>, &7You are not handling any requests at this moment. No tickets could be closed."
admin_closedticket: "&cSir <player>, &7You have marked a request as closed! Use the command &c/request next &7to handle the next request!"


#Feedback System (/request yes or /request no)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#Allow users to give feedback to your services with a beautiful designed GUI...

#Set it to true if you would like your players to be reminded for
#giving a feedback right after their requests were marked as Closed.
showReminder: true

#The timer with an interval measured in seconds is set to remind your players
#for completing the feedback in case they have kindly ignore. (This could be
#annoying if and only if the reminder frequency is set to a relatively lower number.)
reminderFrequency: 20

#Feedback GUI
#GUI Name and Items ID
fbguiname: "&6Rate Our Service!"
fbguiitem1: "GOLDEN_APPLE"
fbguiitem2: "BARRIER"

#GUI Items Name and Description
fbguiitem1name: "&a&lEXCELLENT"
fbguiitem2name: "&c&lPOOR"
fbguiitem1lore: "&7It was a satisfied experience!"
fbguiitem2lore: "&7It was disappointing!"

#Feedback Message
#Adjust the messages asking players to give a generous feedback.
#giveafeedback: when players are invited to give a feedback after a staff has just closed the ticket.
#noneedtofeedback: There is no need for that player to give a feedback because that player did not open
#a ticket or that player have already made a feedback.
#thanksforthefeedback: Thanks for the feedback.

giveafeedback: "&c<player>, &7Your request has been marked as closed. Was the staff helpful? Your generous feedback would be very meaningful to us! Please let us know!"
noneedtofeedback: "&c<player>, &7You are not required to give a feedback at the moment."
thanksforthefeedback: "&7Thank you for your generous feedback, &c<player>. &7Have fun and Have a nice day!"


#Ticket/Request Status (/request status)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#When a player used the command /request status, There are 3 types of messages under 3 different situation...
#status_norequestyet: You have not submitted any tickets yet...
#status_hasrequest: You have a pending ticket submitted, waiting in a queue for a staff to handle it.
#status_adminisattending: A staff is helping you currently.
#status_waitingforfeedback: You have not answered the feedback yet.

status_norequestyet: "&c<player>, &7You have not submitted any request yet. You could open a ticket by &c/helpme&7!"
status_hasrequest: "&c<player>, &7Your request is now in position &c<position>&7. Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
status_adminisattending: "&c<player>, &7A staff is handling your request right now."
status_waitingforfeedback: "&c<player>, &7We are still awaiting for your generous feedback."


#Ticket/Request Cancellation (/request cancel)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#When a player used the command /request cancel, There are 4 types of messages under 4 different situation...
#cancel_norequest: You have no tickets or requests opened, thus you could cancel nothing.
#cancel_cancancel: You have cancelled the ticket successfully.
#cancel_toolate_adminattend: You cannot cancel the ticket because a staff is handling it currently.
#cancel_toolate_waitingfeedback: You cannot cancel the ticket because you have to answer the feedback first.

cancel_norequest: "&c<player>, &7You have not submitted any request yet. You could open a ticket by &c/helpme&7!"
cancel_cancancel: "&c<player>, &7Your request has been removed from the queue successfully. We are more than happy to offer help if you have further questions!"
cancel_toolate_adminattend: "&7We are terribly sorry, &c<player>. &7It would be too late to cancel your ticket now. A Staff is handling it now."
cancel_toolate_waitingfeedback: "&7We are terribly sorry, &c<player>. &7It would be too late to cancel your ticket now. We are awaiting for your generous feedback!"


#Request Count (/request count)
#Statistics of the system
#Commands Performed by : Players

count_title: "&b&lPending Tickets"
count_message1: "&7There are:"
count_message2: "&7Tickets currently In Queue."
count_message3: "&7Tickets In Progress."
count_message4: "&7Tickets awaiting for Feedbacks."


#Purge Tickets (/request purge)
#Delete all the requets from the database
#Commands Performed by : Staff

purgeticket_title: "&b&lPurge Tickets"
purgeticket_message: "All &b<ammountPurged> &7pending requests have been all purged successfully!"


#PlayersControl GUI (/playerscontrol)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#An useful GUI for Staff to monitor the players at ease...

ItemName: "&a&l<player>"
InventoryName: "&bAdmin360 &fPlayersControl"

pc_level: "&fLevel:&6 "
pc_hunger: "&fHunger:&6 "
pc_exp: "&fEXP:&6 "
pc_health: "&fHealth:&6 "
pc_gamemode: "&fGamemode:&6 "
pc_flyspeed: "&fFlySpeed:&6 "

pc_leftclick: "&cLeft-Click to Teleport"
pc_shiftleftclick: "&cShift Left-Click to Ban"
pc_rightclick: "&cRight-Click to Kick"
pc_shiftrightclick: "&cShift Right-Click to Mute"

leftclick_cmd: "tp <player>"
shiftleftclick_cmd: "ban <player>"
rightclick_cmd: "kick <player>"
shiftrightclick_cmd: "mute <player>"


#Admin360-Reloaded is now maintained by LuxannaBB from Hong Kong.
#If you have any problems, or any wonderful suggestions, feel free to talk to us. We are more than happy to know your situation!
#Have a nice day with this plugin, and good luck to your server. We sincerely wish that you would manage to build your first
#successful minecraft server with this simple system! Thank you for choosing us!
#Best Regards, LuxannaBB
Admin360 Outlook:

These items might be available in the future:
1. Issue Tracker (Tags like [Hacking Report], [Request], [Closed], [Suspended].......I dk xd
2. Chinese support (And other languages)
3. MySQL support
4. PlayersControl: gui buttons execute a custom command
5. PlayersControl: add a confirm GUI with reasons
(Suggested by sir TheIntelloBox and SuperRonanCraft)

If you have encountered any kinds of problems, Please contact us immediately and we would immediately make an urgent update. Have a nice day and good luck to your server and your lovely players!!!!!

Best regards,
----------, Nov 7, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49,550
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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