Code (Text):
#Version 6.0.0
#Admin360-Reloaded is now maintained by LuxannaBB from Hong Kong.
#Whenever there is an new update available, please read the instructions carefully stated on the spigot page.
#You might have to update the config file for new variables and features, most likely, for most of the time.
#It could be done by either deleting the config.yml (and restart the server) to regenerate
#a new one, or by adding several new parts to the old config according to the instructions
#stated and specified on our spigot official page. Thank you for your attention and Good luck to yoru server.
#Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to approach me.
#Best Regards, LuxannaBB
#Global Prefix
#Set the global prefix of the plugin, which would appear in all the messages.
prefix: "&b&lAdmin360 &f&l>&7 "
#Incorrect Commands
incorrectcmd: "&7Incorrect Commands. Type &c/request help &7for more commands."
#Staff Notification
#Set the messages that could be viewed only by your staff.
newrequestreminder: "&7A new request has been created by &c<player>&7! There are now &c<queuenumber> &7tickets remaining!"
#Admin360 GUI for Players (/request gui)
#A simple GUI to facilitate tickets opening, tracking mechanism for all players.
#GUI Name and Items ID
guiname: "&9&lAdmin360 &fPlayers Panel"
guiitem1: "DIAMOND_HELMET"
guiitem2: "PAPER"
guiitem3: "BOOKSHELF"
guiitem4: "BARRIER"
guiitem5: "WRITTEN_BOOK"
#GUI Items Displayname (title)
guiitem1name: "&6&lHelpme"
guiitem2name: "&b&lStatus"
guiitem3name: "&f&lCount"
guiitem4name: "&c&lCancel"
guiitem5name: "&a&lHelp"
#GUI Items Description (lore)
guiitem1lore: "&fRequest for help"
guiitem2lore: "&fView the status of your ticket"
guiitem3lore: "&fGlobal Statistics of the System"
guiitem4lore: "&fCancel the request"
guiitem5lore: "&fCommands List"
#Admin360 GUI for Staff (/request admingui)
#A simple GUI to facilitate tickets managing mechanism for staff.
#GUI Name and Items ID
adminguiname: "&9&lAdmin360 &fAdmins Panel"
adminguiitem1: "GOLD_HELMET"
adminguiitem2: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE"
adminguiitem3: "GOLD_INGOT"
adminguiitem4: "DIAMOND"
adminguiitem5: "IRON_SPADE"
#GUI Items Displayname (title)
adminguiitem1name: "&6&lNext"
adminguiitem2name: "&b&lClose"
adminguiitem3name: "&f&lHP Stats"
adminguiitem4name: "&c&lLeaderboard"
adminguiitem5name: "&a&lPurge"
#GUI Items Description (lore)
adminguiitem1lore: "&fDeal with next request"
adminguiitem2lore: "&fClose the current ticket"
adminguiitem3lore: "&fHonor Points Statistics"
adminguiitem4lore: "&fAdmin HP Leaderboard"
adminguiitem5lore: "&fRemove all requests in queue"
#Request/Ticket Creating (/helpme or /request helpme)
#Commands Performed by: Players
#Adjust the messages right after a player has used the command /helpme......
#When players use the command /helpme, it would show 5 different messages under 5 different occasions...
#Case1 (helpme_status_waiting) : The player has a pending request. The command takes no effect.
#Case2 (helpme_status_inprocess) : A staff is currently handling the case of that player. The command takes no effect.
#Case3 (helpme_status_waitfeedback) : A staff has just marked a ticket as closed, but that player have not given a feedback yet. The command takes no effect.
#Case4 (requestmessage) : Neither Case 1 to Case 3. You are allowed to open a ticket and your queue number is displayed.
#Case5 (noadmin) : There is No Staff currently online lol.... (Worst Case Scenario)
helpme_status_waiting: "&c<player>, &7We already have a pending ticket from you. Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
helpme_status_inprocess: "&c<player>, &7A staff should be helping with your request right now. Thank you."
helpme_status_waitfeedback: "&c<player>, &7We are awaiting for your generous feedback!"
requestmessage: "&c<player>, &7You have just submitted a request successfully and you are currently Number &c<queueno> &7in the queue! Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
noadmin: "&7We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience, &c<player>. &7There are no staff currently online... Please try again a few minutes later."
#Request/Ticket Handling (/request next)
#Commands Performed by : Staff
#Adjust the messages right after a staff has used the command /request next......
#When a staff used the command /request next, it would show 2 types of messages under 2 kinds of situation.
#admin_norequestinqueue: There are no tickets/requests in the queue currently. You can take a rest xd.
#admin_alreadyattend: You are helping a player, but the ticket has not been marked as closed.
#admin_nohelpingyourself: The staff has opened a ticket and is attempting to attend it himself... which
#would be stopped kindly by the system with a warning message...
#proceedtonextrequest_messageall: There are still pending requests that you are going to handle. A global message
#would be sent to all the players on the server.
admin_norequestinqueue: "&cSir <player>, &7There are no tickets remaining at the moment. We deeply appreciate your effort."
admin_alreadyattend: "&cSir <player>, &7You have still handling a request! Use the command &c/request close &7to close the current ticket!"
admin_nohelpingyourself: "&cSir <player>, &7As a member of the staff team, You are not allowed to farm tickets for your own interest!"
proceedtonextrequest_title: "&b&lAdmin360"
proceedtonextrequest_messageall: "&c<staff> &7is now handling the request made by &c<player>&7! There are now &c<nooftickets> &7tickets remaining."
proceedtonextrequest_remind: "&f&oPlease do not hesitate if you need help! &c/helpme&f&o!"
#Closing a Ticket/Request (/request close)
#Commands Performed by : Staff
#Adjust the messages right after a staff has used the command /request close......
#When a staff used the command /request close, it would show 2 types of messages under 2 conditions...
#admin_notattending: You are not attending any tickets. No tickets would be closed.
#admin_closedticket: You have successfully closed the ticket.
admin_notattending: "&cSir <player>, &7You are not handling any requests at this moment. No tickets could be closed."
admin_closedticket: "&cSir <player>, &7You have marked a request as closed! Use the command &c/request next &7to handle the next request!"
#Feedback System (/request yes or /request no)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#Allow users to give feedback to your services with a beautiful designed GUI...
#Set it to true if you would like your players to be reminded for
#giving a feedback right after their requests were marked as Closed.
showReminder: true
#The timer with an interval measured in seconds is set to remind your players
#for completing the feedback in case they have kindly ignore. (This could be
#annoying if and only if the reminder frequency is set to a relatively lower number.)
reminderFrequency: 20
#Feedback GUI
#GUI Name and Items ID
fbguiname: "&6Rate Our Service!"
fbguiitem1: "GOLDEN_APPLE"
fbguiitem2: "BARRIER"
#GUI Items Name and Description
fbguiitem1name: "&a&lEXCELLENT"
fbguiitem2name: "&c&lPOOR"
fbguiitem1lore: "&7It was a satisfied experience!"
fbguiitem2lore: "&7It was disappointing!"
#Feedback Message
#Adjust the messages asking players to give a generous feedback.
#giveafeedback: when players are invited to give a feedback after a staff has just closed the ticket.
#noneedtofeedback: There is no need for that player to give a feedback because that player did not open
#a ticket or that player have already made a feedback.
#thanksforthefeedback: Thanks for the feedback.
giveafeedback: "&c<player>, &7Your request has been marked as closed. Was the staff helpful? Your generous feedback would be very meaningful to us! Please let us know!"
noneedtofeedback: "&c<player>, &7You are not required to give a feedback at the moment."
thanksforthefeedback: "&7Thank you for your generous feedback, &c<player>. &7Have fun and Have a nice day!"
#Ticket/Request Status (/request status)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#When a player used the command /request status, There are 3 types of messages under 3 different situation...
#status_norequestyet: You have not submitted any tickets yet...
#status_hasrequest: You have a pending ticket submitted, waiting in a queue for a staff to handle it.
#status_adminisattending: A staff is helping you currently.
#status_waitingforfeedback: You have not answered the feedback yet.
status_norequestyet: "&c<player>, &7You have not submitted any request yet. You could open a ticket by &c/helpme&7!"
status_hasrequest: "&c<player>, &7Your request is now in position &c<position>&7. Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
status_adminisattending: "&c<player>, &7A staff is handling your request right now."
status_waitingforfeedback: "&c<player>, &7We are still awaiting for your generous feedback."
#Ticket/Request Cancellation (/request cancel)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#When a player used the command /request cancel, There are 4 types of messages under 4 different situation...
#cancel_norequest: You have no tickets or requests opened, thus you could cancel nothing.
#cancel_cancancel: You have cancelled the ticket successfully.
#cancel_toolate_adminattend: You cannot cancel the ticket because a staff is handling it currently.
#cancel_toolate_waitingfeedback: You cannot cancel the ticket because you have to answer the feedback first.
cancel_norequest: "&c<player>, &7You have not submitted any request yet. You could open a ticket by &c/helpme&7!"
cancel_cancancel: "&c<player>, &7Your request has been removed from the queue successfully. We are more than happy to offer help if you have further questions!"
cancel_toolate_adminattend: "&7We are terribly sorry, &c<player>. &7It would be too late to cancel your ticket now. A Staff is handling it now."
cancel_toolate_waitingfeedback: "&7We are terribly sorry, &c<player>. &7It would be too late to cancel your ticket now. We are awaiting for your generous feedback!"
#Request Count (/request count)
#Statistics of the system
#Commands Performed by : Players
count_title: "&b&lPending Tickets"
count_message1: "&7There are:"
count_message2: "&7Tickets currently In Queue."
count_message3: "&7Tickets In Progress."
count_message4: "&7Tickets awaiting for Feedbacks."
#Purge Tickets (/request purge)
#Delete all the requets from the database
#Commands Performed by : Staff
purgeticket_title: "&b&lPurge Tickets"
purgeticket_message: "All &b<ammountPurged> &7pending requests have been all purged successfully!"
#PlayersControl GUI (/playerscontrol)
#Commands Performed by : Players
#An useful GUI for Staff to monitor the players at ease...
ItemName: "&a&l<player>"
InventoryName: "&bAdmin360 &fPlayersControl"
pc_level: "&fLevel:&6 "
pc_hunger: "&fHunger:&6 "
pc_exp: "&fEXP:&6 "
pc_health: "&fHealth:&6 "
pc_gamemode: "&fGamemode:&6 "
pc_flyspeed: "&fFlySpeed:&6 "
pc_leftclick: "&cLeft-Click to Teleport"
pc_shiftleftclick: "&cShift Left-Click to Ban"
pc_rightclick: "&cRight-Click to Kick"
pc_shiftrightclick: "&cShift Right-Click to Mute"
leftclick_cmd: "tp <player>"
shiftleftclick_cmd: "ban <player>"
rightclick_cmd: "kick <player>"
shiftrightclick_cmd: "mute <player>"
#Admin360-Reloaded is now maintained by LuxannaBB from Hong Kong.
#If you have any problems, or any wonderful suggestions, feel free to talk to us. We are more than happy to know your situation!
#Have a nice day with this plugin, and good luck to your server. We sincerely wish that you would manage to build your first
#successful minecraft server with this simple system! Thank you for choosing us!
#Best Regards, LuxannaBB