⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics icon

⚡Admin360-Reloaded⚡Manage Real-Time Help Requests! ✅ HEX ✅ Ratings ✅ Statistics -----

Redefines Player-Staff Interaction; Fosters Disciplined & Quality Service!

[Admin360] Urgent fix for Critical Bugs
Admin360-Reloaded Version 4.3.0. Urgent Fix
Please UPDATE IMMEDIATELY!. Serious Bugs Fixed
After working for a couples of hours, Urgent fix version 4.3.0 is out.
Please update immediately to fix the critical Bugs:
(Sorry for the late updates. We have already tried our best to publish this urgent update pack)

What items have been fixed or added in this update?

1. Fixed Critical Bugs

A. Resolved critical bugs that have been reported by sir Xx_Cyborg_xX and sir SuperRonanCraft.

This critical problem has been solved. We are very sorry for that. It is all our fault. We have just realized this problem and we are very sorry to bother you and your players....... :(:(:(


Admin360 is not designed for admin to open a ticket on their own and to attend the ticket by themselves at the same time. We are going to solve this problem in the next update.

Quick fix: To neglect the permission "-admin360.player.helpme" in the permission plugin for all the admins.

These are the critical bugs fixed in this update. We are really sorry to cause these kinds of issues. Please update the plugins so that these kinds of bugs would not happen again.

2. New Permissions (Important)

We have changed the old permission nodes and at the same time, we have added some new permission nodes that are suggested by our users.

The following is a list of the permission nodes in version 4.3.0:

You are required to delete the old config.yml to recreate a new one.
You shall save the old one if you have made changes to it.

The New config.yml in version 4.3.0 looks like this:

Code (Text):

#Version 4.3.0
#Admin360-Reloaded is maintained by Dennie, Jerry and Thomas from Hong Kong.


#Feedback Reminder
#Set it to true if you would like the players to be reminded to
#give a feedback right after the ticket was closed.
showReminder: true

#The time interval in seconds to remind the players to do a
#feedback in case they forget. (This would be a bit annoying)
reminderFrequency: 20


#Prefix: Set the prefix of the message
prefix: "&b&lAdmin360 &f&l>&7 "


#PlayersControl GUI (/playerscontrol)
#ItemName: Format for the name of the skull
#TpMessage: Message after you have teleported to a player
#KickMessage: Message after you have kicked a player
#BanMessage:  Message after you have banned a player
#BanIPMessage:  Message after you have banned a player's IP
ItemName: "&a&l<player>"
InventoryName: "&bAdmin360 &fPlayersControl"
TpMessage: "&7You have been teleported to &c<player>&7 !"
KickMessage: "&7You have kicked &c<player>&7 !"
BanMessage: "&7You have banned &c<player>&7 !"
BanIPMessage: "&7You have banned &c<player>&7's IP!"


#Player GUI Name and Items ID (/request gui)
guiname: "&9&lAdmin360 &fPlayers Panel"
guiitem1: "DIAMOND_HELMET"
guiitem2: "PAPER"
guiitem3: "BOOKSHELF"
guiitem4: "BARRIER"
guiitem5: "WRITTEN_BOOK"

#Player GUI Items Displayname (/request gui)
guiitem1text: "&6&lHelpme"
guiitem2text: "&b&lStatus"
guiitem3text: "&f&lCount"
guiitem4text: "&c&lCancel"
guiitem5text: "&a&lHelp"


#Admin GUI Name and Items ID (/request admingui)
adminguiname: "&9&lAdmin360 &fAdmins Panel"
adminguiitem1: "GOLD_HELMET"
adminguiitem2: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE"
adminguiitem3: "GOLD_INGOT"
adminguiitem4: "DIAMOND"
adminguiitem5: "IRON_SPADE"

#Admin GUI Items Displayname (/request admingui)
adminguiitem1text: "&6&lNext"
adminguiitem2text: "&b&lClose"
adminguiitem3text: "&f&lHP Stats"
adminguiitem4text: "&c&lLeaderboard"
adminguiitem5text: "&a&lPurge"


#Helpme Section (/helpme or /request helpme)
#When players do /helpme, it would show 5 types of messages.
#Case1 (helpme_status_waiting) : You have already opened a ticket. The command takes no effect.
#Case2 (helpme_status_inprocess) : An Admin is helping you. The command takes no effect.
#Case3 (helpme_status_waitfeedback) : An Admin has just closed the ticket, but you have not given a feedback yet. The command takes no effect.
#Case4 (requestmessage) : Neither Case 1 to Case 3. You are allowed to open a ticket.
#Case5 (noadmin) : There is no online admin lol....

helpme_status_waiting: "&c<player>, &7We already have a pending ticket from you. Please be patient and our staff is going to approach you soon!"
helpme_status_inprocess: "&c<player>, &7An admin should be helping with your ticket right now."
helpme_status_waitfeedback: "&c<player>, &7We are awaiting for your generous feedback!"
requestmessage: "&c<player>, &7Thanks for opening a ticket. We are more than happy to help you soon :) !"
noadmin: "&7Sorry, &c<player>. &7There are no online staff at the the moment."


#Next Request Section (/request next)
#When an admin do /request next, it would show 2 types of messages.
#admin_norequestinqueue: No tickets or requests in queue. You can take a rest xd.
#admin_alreadyattend: You are helping a player, but the ticket has not closed yet.

admin_norequestinqueue: "&cSir <player>, &7There are no tickets remaining at the moment. Take a rest~~"
admin_alreadyattend: "&cSir <player>, &7You have already attended to help a player!"


#Close Ticket Section (/request close)
#When an admin do /request close, it would show 2 types of messages.
#admin_notattending: You are not attending any tickets. No tickets to be closed.
#admin_closedticket: You have successfully closed the ticket.

admin_notattending: "&cSir <player>, &7You are not attending any requests!"
admin_closedticket: "&cSir <player>, &7You have closed a ticket successfully! "


#Feedback Reply Message Section (/request yes or /request no)
#When players do /request yes or /request no in feedback, it would show 2 types of messages.
#noneedtofeedback: There is no need for you to give a feedback because you did not open a ticket or you have already made a feedback.
#thanksforthefeedback: Thanks for the feedback.

noneedtofeedback: "&c<player>, &7There are no tickets that are awaiting for your feedback at the moment."
thanksforthefeedback: "&7Thank you for your feedback, &c<player>. &7Have a nice day!"


#Feedback Message Section
#Message when players are asked to give a feedback after the admin has closed the ticket.

giveafeedback: "&c<player>, &7Your constructive feedbacks would be our motivation to make a better server! "


#Status Section (/request status)
#When players do /request status, There are 3 types of messages
#status_norequestyet: You have no tickets or requests opened.
#status_adminisattending: An Admin is helping you currently.
#status_waitingforfeedback: You have not answered the feedback yet.

status_norequestyet: "&c<player>, &7You do not have any requests yet."
status_adminisattending: "&c<player>, &7An admin is attending your request right now."
status_waitingforfeedback: "&c<player>, &7We are still awaiting for your generous feedback."


#Cancel Section (/request cancel)
#When players do /request cancel, There are 4 types of messages
#cancel_norequest: You have no tickets or requests opened, thus you can cancel nothing.
#cancel_cancancel: You have cancelled the ticket successfully.
#cancel_toolate_adminattend: You cannot cancel the ticket because an admin is helping you currently.
#cancel_toolate_waitingfeedback: You cannot cancel the ticket because you have to answer the feedback first.

cancel_norequest: "&c<player>, &7You do not have any ticket currently. "
cancel_cancancel: "&c<player>, &7Your ticket has been successfully cancelled. Thanks for using the system!"
cancel_toolate_adminattend: "&7Sorry, &c<player>. &7It would be too late to cancel your ticket now. An admin is going to attend it now."
cancel_toolate_waitingfeedback: "&7Sorry, &c<player>. &7It would be too late to cancel your ticket now. We are awaiting for your generous feedback!"


#Admin360-Reloaded is maintained by Dennie and Thomas from Hong Kong.

Version 5.0.0 Outlook:
These items would be added in the next update:
1. Report GUI
2. Chinese support (And other languages)
3. MySQL support
4. Allow to change the primary command (Command Aliases)
5. PlayersControl: gui buttons execute a custom command
6. PlayersControl: add a confirm GUI with reasons
(Suggested by sir TheIntelloBox and SuperRonanCraft)

If you have encountered any kinds of problems, Please contact us immediately and we would immediately make an urgent update. Again, Sorry for making these critical issues.
----------, Aug 30, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49,550
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
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