This update requires messages.yml to be regenerated OR to add this lines to the existing one
Code (YAML):
airdrop-hologram: # Placeholders: %airdrop_name%, %time_left%, %locked_status% - "&2Drop: &a%airdrop_name%" - "&6Time left: &e%time_left%" - "&cLocked: &e%locked_status%" airdrop-unlocked-label: "No"# Placeholders: N/A; Used when locked time is 0 in any other messages
Multiline messages support.
/airdrops help nos displays more command info.
Holograms performance.
hologram-drop-name, hologram-time-left, hologram-locked-time-left, hologram-is-not-locked are now merged into airdrop-hologram message, so they were removed.
dynmap-unlocked-label has is now named airdrop-unlocked-label because its now used in other messages as the hologram one.