⚡ Ultimate Airdrops - [1.16-1.21] | Custom loot ✅ | Chance system ✅ | Holograms ✅ | PlaceholderAPI ✅ icon

⚡ Ultimate Airdrops - [1.16-1.21] | Custom loot ✅ | Chance system ✅ | Holograms ✅ | PlaceholderAPI ✅ -----

Make your players move to random locations to loot custom airdrops

[0.3.1-BETA] | Dynmap implementation
This update requires config.yml to be deleted OR to add this lines to that file


Code (YAML):
: 0 # The players will be notified with an offset range of coordinates based on this, also affects the dynmap marker.
: 0 # The players will be notified with an offset range of coordinates based on this, also affects the dynmap marker.

: true # Cretes markers in your server's Dynmap map (Dynmap markers replicate the location offset when used, otherwise it will just point to the exact block). [Dynmap]
: "CIRCLE" # Dynmap marker shape, CIRCLE or SQUARE. [Dynmap]
Code (YAML):
: "<div> Airdrop: %drop_name% </div> <br/> <div> Time left: %time_left% </div> <br/> <div> Locked: %locked_status% </div>"     # Placeholders: %drop_name%, %locked_status%, %time_left%; Supports HTML code, as well as inline styles.
: "No"     # Placeholders: N/A; Used when locked time is 0 in any other messages
- New Dynmap implementation (softdepend), now you can display the airdrops with a marker in your Dynmap map.
- 3 types of dynmap marker, square, circle or marker.
- New public location offset, this will make that all the clues sent to the players about the airdrops location to be an area where they will need to search them (currently not added to the broadcast messages, planned to be added in the next update).
- Square and circle dynmap markers will be affected by the random public offset location, so they will display an area to search.


- Fixed a random warning when airdrops where auto-removed.
- Improved some error messages related to the database.
- Fixed some database error messages.
- Fixed error when using check loaded chunks.
- Updated some dependencies.
- Some code cleanup.
----------, Nov 1, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 30,354
First Release: May 16, 2022
Last Update: Mar 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
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