Patchnote v5.5.0 - Befor updating, always backup your files and Database!
[CHANGES/ADDS/FIXES] *lightEconomy automatically adds new config entries.
added new /bank top command*
Permission: lighteconomy.user.banktop
added new /money add command
Permission: lighteconomy.admin.command.add
added new PAPI placeholder for bank top
added official Bungeecord / Waterfall support*
Simply drag and drop the JAR file into your proxy's plugins directory and follow the instructions provided by the console (ensure to use the same MySQL database credentials as your subservers).
Enable BungeeCord in the settings.yml file for every Spigot/Paper subserver and restart them.
Now, /pay messages are global.
More Bungee-related features, such as global bank interest, are coming soon.
added new input methode with signs.
You can now enable sign input to use signs to deposit or withdraw into/from your bank account. Enable this feature in the settings.yml
You need ProtocolLib for that
Implemented thread-safe methods for all database-related operations.