Patchnote v5.4.4 - Bevor updating, always backup your files and Database!
fixed the format problem with the short placeholder
added /balance and /balance <playername> command to show someones money (you can also use /bal). If you have the permission "Money show other (lighteconomy.admin.command.balanceother)" you get a tabcompletion from all players in the Database.
added a new placeholder called %lighteconomy_money_all% - this shows the pocket and bank balance combined
fixed wrong PlaceholderAPI parse to messages. Now all papi placeholders in every message should now translate all the color codes.
added the option to use &#HEX and #HEX methods to ALL messages
added new option in settings.yml called internationalDecimals: true In English, the point and comma for numbers are used in exactly the opposite way as in German. If you're hosting a German server, disable the internationalDecimals: to false
Introduced a new #command# placeholder in the wrongCommand: entry (message.yml).
Added a new message output for non-existing commands.
Resolved an issue with the /le help command where players received two messages upon executing the command.
If a player attempts to execute console commands in-game, they will now receive a noPermission: message instead of noConsole:.
Tabcompletions for the money command will now show to players only their have the needed permission.
fixed a problem in the new /balance command, while the command /bal <playername> shows the wrong message
Changed a problem with tabcompletion on /balance while the output was noPermission
Fixed duplicated message print on wrongCommand usage
added option to translate the Debug command
added new setting keys to the settings.yml You can now translate keywords such as player, amount or target in your language.
removed the hardcoded debug messages
added new option called currencyWithoutDeciamlPlaces: false If this is true, numbers from all output messages and lores shows now without decimal places. See pictures below
added new lore placeholder for bank-menu.yml %currencyBank% & %currencyPocket%