[ Information ] Remember that its no longer necessary to reset your config.yml, bot-sentry will add new config lines into your config, but its always recommended to do a fresh start
ADDITIONS - Added support for version 1.17, latest BungeeCord and Spigot, right now, we support from 1.8 to 1.17 - Added support for Java version 16, right now, we support from Java 8 to 16 - Added a permission "botsentry.automaticnotification" which enables/disables notifications automatically when an attack is happening for players that have that permission
CHANGES - Attacks logs are now saved every 1000 logs (will be configurable in a later version) to use less memory
FIXES - Fixed several bugs related with the whitelist and MySQL - Fixes all issues related to PacketListenerAPI (which we use for Spigot)