⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity icon

⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity -----

» Blocking all booting sites and programs, most extensive API and good reputation!

Masive Bot-Sentry update
Guys... I want to welcome you to Bot-Sentry-8.0-ARES and all the features that it includes. You need to read all of this carefully to see all the cool changes and additions :)


· New firewall-blacklisting system to blacklist the bots internally
· New check to prevent certain countries from joining your server during attack (blacklisting them), this new feature is capable of blocking A LOT of bots, nearly the 99% of the attack instantly if you configurate it well. You can see a list of the TOP countries detected by Bot-Sentry here: https://cutt.ly/countrylist
· New check to prevent slow bots that could "bypass" the previous version luckly
· New check to stop only-ping attacks called "ping-limit"
· New auto-purge feature that can purge your Server Logs, your BotSentry Logs, your Blacklist or your Whitelist with certain conditions to do so.
· New command /bs notifications to see notifications about the attack that is going on in the actionbar
· New permission "botsentry.monitor" that will give acces to /bs notifications and to /bs stats (the command bs stats won't show the server IP;PORT to the person if he has this permission only)
· New way to let players that never played before join during attack, your players will be able to complete the captcha from http://notbot.es, after 10-30 seconds, they will get added into the Whitelist of ALL servers using Bot-Sentry. Servers are able to configurate their very own verify website (still hosted by us) here https://cyberdevelopment.es/BotSentry/verify/custom

· Change into the Console filtering, now it will send just 1 message every second displaying stats about the attack.
· Changes into one slow-attack check that was giving many false-positives.

Join our Discord for more information and if you have any doubt!!!
----------, Jul 14, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,429
First Release: Apr 30, 2018
Last Update: Jun 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
240 ratings
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