⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity icon

⚡ BotSentry ⚡ AntiBot/AntiProxy resisting +30k bots per second! | Bungee, Spigot, Sponge & Velocity -----

» Blocking all booting sites and programs, most extensive API and good reputation!

New commands to see the paginated Blacklist and Whitelist!
- If you are using version 6.0.9 version you have to remove and re-generate the "messages.yml" or just put the added code inside your "6.0.8" "messages.yml"
- If you are using version 6.0.8 or older versions you have to delete, re-generate and re-configure the "config.yml"
- If you are using version 6.0.4 or older versions you will need to delete the whole BotSentry folder!

» New command to see all the Blacklisted IPs paginated [Permission: bot-sentry.stats] (suggested by Sheidy#0001)
» New command to see all the Whitelisted IPs paginated [Permission: bot-sentry.stats] (suggested by Sheidy#0001)

Added code into the "messages.yml" of the version "6.0.9":

In the main help command:
Code (YAML):
- "&7/b-s list blacklist <page> &8> &ePrint paginated blacklisted IPs"
- "&7/b-s list whitelist <page> &8> &ePrint paginated whitelisted IPs"

In a new section, anywhere from the messages.yml:
Code (YAML):
# When you type "/bot-sentry list" or "/b-s list"
- "&6&m--------------&c &lBOT SENTRY HELP &6&m--------------"
- "&f "
- "&7/b-s list blacklist <page> &8> &ePrint paginated blacklisted IPs"
- "&7/b-s list whitelist <page> &8> &ePrint paginated whitelisted IPs"
- "&f "
- "&6&m-----------------------------------------------"

# When you type "/bot-sentry list blacklist <page>" or "/b-s list blacklist <page>"
: "&cPage with that number does not exist."
- "&6&m------------&c &lBLACKLIST &6&m------------"
- ""
- "&fTotal blacklisted IPs
: &a{blacklisted_ips}"
- ""
: " &7{index}. &c{ip}"
- ""
- "&fPage
: &a{page}&f/&a{pages}"
- ""
- "&6&m------------------------------------"

You have fully translated messages.yml in the SpigotMC page!!

Some images:


Don't forget to leave a ★★★★★ review if the plugin saved you from Bot Attacks!
----------, Jan 22, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,429
First Release: Apr 30, 2018
Last Update: Jun 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
240 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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