Added Kit upgraded message caching
Added Error message for players when attempting to redeem an invalid kit
Added Automatic data saving for MySQL (
Data-Save-Interval in config.yml - in seconds)
Added Automatic data saving for data file (
Data-Save-Interval in config.yml - in seconds)
Changed /
kits give command to
/kits give <player> <kit> <permission-check> <cooldown-check> <put-on-cooldown> <check-upgrade>. The extra parameters are booleans, meaning they should be
The extra parameters are detailed below:
<permission-check> Whether or not a permission check should take place to ensure the player has the permission for the kit.
<cooldown-check> Whether or not a cooldown check should take place to ensure the player is not on cooldown for the kit.
<put-on-cooldown> Whether or not the player should be placed on cooldown for the kit.
<check-upgrade> Whether or not the chance for the player to upgrade the kit should be checked.
Fixed /kits resetcooldown command not working
Be sure to update your API version to get the latest features!