Commit #3ee434 - Fixed brewing tracking not checking for required missions
Commit #5441df - Removed support for 1.18.1
Commit #fc9127 - Grouped all sub-modules
Commit #443fb1 - Fixed prices are still loaded before ShopGUIPlus had loaded their shops data
Commit #4f273b - Fixed incorrectly printing errors from ShopGUIPlus
Commit #15d487 - Feature : Add cancellable IslandKickEvent !
Commit #1f4fd0 - Fixed island effects not being removed from players when disbanding islands
Commit #4f7932 - Fixed island effects not being applied correctly when upgrading
Commit #0a510e - Added missing potted variants to the interactables list
Commit #0c01da - Fixed precision rounding money upwards sometimes, causing transitions to fail
Commit #900b33 - Fixed putting eyes in end portal frames in some direction causing them to be tracked twice as broken
Commit #483b57 - Added support for 1.19.4
Commit #068ca0 - Removed Citizens from the load-before section in plugin.yml
Commit #74f060 - Fixed using older versions of ChangeSkin causing errors in console
Commit #0e0a7f - Potential fix for prices from ShopGUIPlus never load (#1594, #1599)
Commit #529cdc - Fixed an UnsupportedOperationException when opening bank logs menu
Commit #411c79 - Potential fix for levels sometime can be 0 when calculated using formula
Commit #37cd91 - Fixed a NPE when opening warp categories menu
Commit #071890 - Fixed an out-of-bounds exception when using warp categories menu
Commit #40488c - Fixed new islands not detected as active, causing redstone to not function
Commit #d04124 - Fixed incorrect detection of generator blocks in some cases
Commit #9303b5 - Fixed plugin not compiling
Commit #e2374c - Fixed a NPE when running replacePlayers on islands
Commit #cd0291 - Fixed a typo in TELEPORT_WARMUP_CANCEL
Commit #43bdeb - Fixed errors when incorrectly configuring island preview locations
Commit #cba21e - Fixed a NPE when tab-completing admin commands
Commit #479cc2 - Fixed fetching prices before they are loaded by ShopGUIPlus
Commit #ef2b14 - Fixed entities not tracked towards entity limits
Commit #817cce - Fixed generated cobblestone blocks making level and worth go down
Commit #f614a9 - Fixed refreshView does not properly refresh the views
Commit #908e65 - Fixed setting generator rate to 0 while having it as an upgrade reward causing it to reset after a restart
Commit #081c14 - Fixed incorrect detection of the block that is being broken when BlockFormEvent is fired
Commit #1cfe45 - Fixed players with UUID 0 can exist
Commit #19fa67 - Fixed infinite recursive call when calling cancelAllIslandPreviews async while disabling the plugin
Commit #64f6f3 - Fixed detection of minecarts placed by a dispenser not counted towards island level or block limits
Commit #f99cdc - Fixed stacked blocks (and potentially other data) not being inserted correctly to database
Commit #40d7da - Added log messages when loading player data of unrecognized players
Commit #137c95 - Fixed a typo in code
Commit #d192bf - Fixed a NPE when removeTextureValueTimeStamp is called
Commit #bf0a84 - Fixed issues when changing uuids of players (#1513, #1354)
Commit #48f440 - Fixed detection of equal texture values being incorrect due to different timestamps
Commit #c6a61f - Changed database queries to not occur if the data was not actually been changed (in case it was set to the same value)
Commit #bf8779 - Fixed modules (and other jars that the plugin need to load) not loaded correctly sometimes
Commit #efa054 - Fixed unloading modules not actually freeing the handles to the files, making it impossible to delete the jar until the entire server stops
Commit #c2f7ed - Fixed not all modules are reloaded when running reload command
Commit #7d5ce7 - Fixed detection of enchanting items through an anvil for enchanting missions
Commit #8f58ac - Potential fix for items landing on the edge of the island cannot be picked up
Commit #b56a78 - Added more debug messages to replacing players
Commit #abff69 - Potential fix for players not converted properly
Commit #69ea7f - Fixed generators not working if water is coming from above
Commit #73026e - Fixed errors from WildStacker ignored and may lead to errors when calculating islands
Commit #7ddfd2 - Added debug messages to replacing players
Commit #dcd194 - Fixed incorrect calls to Log#warnFromFile instead of Log#warn
Commit #83fe91 - Fixed and optimized detection of entity categories
Commit #027d5c - Fixed concurrent error with farming missions
Commit #cc3649 - Added more indicative errors when modules or missions fail to load
Commit #06b12b - Fixed not all sorting types are sorted on startup
Commit #089d86 - Changed hoglins to not be considered as animals
Commit #decfdd - Fixed incorrectly detecting permissions for the spawn island
Commit #ed5b42 - Fixed detection of chunk boundaries for the spawn island
Commit #3180e7 - Fixed settings and permissions menu require the IslandFlag/IslandPrivilege to be loaded at the time of loading the menu
Commit #dce17f - Fixed upgrades menu not functional after reload
Commit #de12d8 - Fixed skip menu not working correctly for creation menu
Commit #0c994e - Added support for 1.19.3
Commit #772844 - Added debug messages for permission lookups
Commit #11c88f - Fixed ManagerLoadException not printing the error message
Commit #405b13 - Fixed top islands not sorted on startup and when bonus for islands is changed
Commit #f937d1 - Fixed menus not updated when using /is admin reload
Commit #01558c - Fixed warp categories menu opened even if there's only one category available
Commit #e0c70e - Fixed teleporting to warps from the menu opens the previous one
Commit #f1a064 - Fixed skip-one-item feature not working at all
Commit #e7c24b - Added the ability to configure specific menus to be skipped if they only have one item
Commit #e5bd4e - Changed Log#debug to automatically detect class and method names from the stack trace
Commit #6538c9 - Fixed regular entities not being teleported correctly by island portals
Commit #a4f7ce - Fixed incorrect upgrade level provided to the IslandUpgradeLevel when ranking up
Commit #b7fc60 - Added cause reason for IslandUpgradeEvent
Commit #a4c086 - Added debug message for when firing events
Commit #35efb9 - Fixed purging islands making the server hang out when disabling it
Commit #ce6268 - Fixed issue with detection of the correct version of SkinsRestorer with newer versions of the plugin
Commit #644399 - Fixed left-clicking on the top islands causes the visitor menus to open instead of the values menu
Commit #4dadab - Fixed non-indicative error when setting the default world as the islands world
Commit #517359 - Fixed effects conflicting with beacon effects
Commit #90bdf9 - Fixed disabling warp categories still opening the warp categories menu
Commit #644cd1 - Fixed issues with top menu not working properly
Commit #d5e615 - Added a useful method to MenuParser
Commit #d10ff5 - Implemented Menus API
Commit #211500 - Fixed incorrectly showing errors when parsing menus
Commit #7f1896 - Fixed a NPE when clearing inventories for offline players
Commit #e873d3 - Fixed entities still counted towards entity tracking even when not necessary
Commit #0e92e2 - Potential fix for other plugins trying to access EntityHologram and fail as it's private
Commit #ea832e - Fixed errors in recent versions of Spigot with the custom timings
Commit #ff0aa4 - Renamed the loggers for the modules
Commit #09d81e - Fixed setting fly to players when they are not inside the island
Commit #f1bec2 - Fixed warnings about deprecated usage of CustomTimingsHandler with IslandMissions
Commit #52379b - Fixed a NPE when trying to teleport to an empty island
Commit #44599c - Fixed island flags not saved correctly in some cases
Commit #efa350 - Fixed debug messages not printed in the correct format
Commit #e43838 - Fixed mossy cobblestone (and other blocks that contain "COBBLESTONE" in their name) to not work properly in generators
Commit #7d5758 - Fixed null errors due to null listener registration with IslandMissions
Commit #25e1d7 - Fixed explorer 2 not detecting end schematic correctly
Commit #d5448b - Fixed not all SSB events work with IslandMissions
Commit #b5f50b - Added the ability to change respawn behavior with the plugin
Commit #de8098 - Fixed yaw and pitch of the spawn location not being used when teleporting
Commit #33f741 - Fixed the ability to spawn end crystals on other islands
Commit #481683 - Optimized breaking of multiple blocks all at once can cause the server to eventually crash
Commit #f0b9d9 - Added the option to print stack trace for debug messages