Commit #609167 - Changed SWarpCategory to not save the exact Island instance that created it, but the one stored in the container
Commit #d0e901 - Added a check to make sure center locations are valid with builders
Commit #ad5b1c - Added player builder to easily create players with predefined values
Commit #4b2c43 - Added island builder to easily create islands with predefined values
Commit #dacbeb - Fixed a NPE when sending invite announcement
Commit #988098 - Potential optimization for lookup of spawners in chunks
Commit #d18366 - Potential fix for actions on chunks not finishing when disabling the plugin
Commit #13172a - Fixed `/is admin teleport` checking for portals cooldown
Commit #392c71 - Fixed errors with new versions of Paper when relighting schematic chunks
Commit #9fa101 - Fixed errors when generating other worlds for islands are ignored
Commit #f86334 - Changed schematics applying blocks to the world to first apply the blocks before doing anything else
Commit #89ab5a - Added delegate classes that implements all the objects of the API for easily override objects by other plugins
Commit #192224 - Fixed warp category have its slot saved before its inserted to db
Commit #6e9b81 - Fixed errors when setting up Nashorn engine
Commit #a6356e - Fixed lights not working correctly with the new schematics system
Commit #172766 - Fixed a missing method when creating islands in spigot versions
Commit #746039 - Fixed calling the factory for algorithms of players and islands is done before the objects are initialized, causing their uuid and names to be null
Commit #60462a - Fixed some cases where sending a message would not fire AttemptPlayerSendMessageEvent
Commit #6e3bda - Optimized a bit iterations over island members in some cases
Commit #6a8a12 - Changed teleporting to spawn to not occur if bypass mode is enabled
Commit #2bbc2d - Fixed PlayerToggleSpyEvent not being fired correctly
Commit #91f2cc - Added the ability to use `/is accept` without any parameters
Commit #6a3326 - Fixed a NPE when calling SuperiorSchematic#getLoadedChunks method
Commit #9a4f6f - Fixed some messages not calling AttemptPlayerSendMessageEvent when the receiver is not online
Commit #437558 - Changed the way dirty chunks are cached in memory
Commit #5c384c - Fixed equal check between SuperiorPlayer objects not checking for identical references
Commit #a68869 - Fixed equal check between Island objects not checking for identical references
Commit #c30531 - Fixed issues with tracking of dirty chunks after transferring leadership of islands
Commit #42161a - Optimized schematics placement
Commit #fdc987 - Feature : Add cancellable IslandBanEvent
Commit #e2ff57 - Cleaned code
Commit #e65cc2 - Added automatically backup to the datastore folder
Commit #1cb1a2 - Changed the way loading of data is handled
Commit #843922 - Changed the plugin from overriding the MobSpawnerAbstract field of spawners as it may conflict with other plugins
Commit #40065e - Fixed error on startup causing the server to not load
Commit #eabe16 - Fixed custom dragon fights not working properly in versions above 1.17
Commit #627641 - Changed nashorn engine to not be downloaded from hub