⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! icon

⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! -----

Optimized, features packed skyblock core.

v1.11.1 - Added support for 1.19.1, optimizations, bug fixes and more!
Commit #acd17d - Added more events to players when they change bypass mode, team chat and change their names
Commit #c255a2 - Added more API methods for handling data of players
Commit #1d1a95 - Updated API version to 3
Commit #6d24a0 - Fixed players making database calls before being inserted
Commit #3d5957 - Fixed islands making database update calls before they are inserted first
Commit #80327e - Removed leftover debug messages
Commit #013988 - Added the ability to set amount of missions completed directly using the API
Commit #86abd7 - Fixed updating player names not updating the players container
Commit #bc4cd7 - Fixed mappings check is not called
Commit #6b1a12 - Added nms mappings check before loading the plugin
Commit #1c36aa - Removed usage of org.apache.commons.* in the plugin
Commit #56140d - Added a way to create bank transactions using the API.
Commit #45be31 - Fixed all database bridges share the same instance making their status being shared as well
Commit #1f589d - Fixed precision of doubles not being correct causing incorrect mathematical operations
Commit #92da10 - Added nms guards to all recent nms versions for detection of incorrect usage
Commit #2d928d - Added nms utilities to better detect incorrect nms usage
Commit #96bf50 - Fixed an API method removed in one of the commits
Commit #46fd1d - Fixed role permissions override each other causing them to not get saved correctly (#831, #1301)
Commit #1f3239 - Fixed old databases are not converted to new formats
Commit #3a795e - Fixed an error caused when getting GameProfile of entities in 1.19.1
Commit #57306a - Added support for ShopGUIPlus 1.78
Commit #039485 - Fixed the plugin loading chunks after they are unloaded causing tps drops
Commit #7a950d - Changed it so when entities are teleported, the plugin will eject all their passegners
Commit #ac1238 - Fixed values menu buttons do not parse placeholders for players
Commit #e88178 - Removed permissions line from default upgrades
Commit #3ad1ae - Fixed stacked blocks cache relay on locations causing some issues with LazyWorldLocation
Commit #8da7a1 - Added the ability to disable warps from being deleted automatically if are not safe
Commit #ed3a16 - Removed other places in code where the plugin depends on regular locations instead of lazyworldlocations
Commit #da7d0d - Fixed locations of invalid worlds stay with null world if put in maps
Commit #e75665 - Fixed cloning of LazyWorldLocation returns a regular Location instead of a LazyWorldLocation
Commit #4829ac - Changed database bridges to not create filters and serialize data unless they are in the correct mode
Commit #b01e47 - Removed an unnecessary method from nms
Commit #b59af0 - Fixed detection of old databases not checking for other types other than MySQL and SQLite
Commit #e694ab - Changed the way spawner rates is handled for better performance & detection of new spawners, potentially fixes #1287
Commit #8a31c0 - Fixed an error when using custom generator in 1.19
Commit #aeac1e - Added syncbonus command to the plugin
Commit #d356fd - Added getBlockCounts command for schematics
Commit #d78a72 - Fixed void teleport not working in spawn island
Commit #a30e58 - Fixed bypass mode not bypassing interacting with blocks
Commit #c1882f - Fixed visitor location not centered to the block
Commit #e6fb66 - Fixed islands having their worth/level bonus given more than once when going through portals, causing negative level and worth
Commit #8c490c - Potential fix for messages being sent when hitting vanished players
Commit #f285d6 - Fixed skins restorer hook may throw NPE
Commit #6f9a2d - Potential fix for other chat formatters conflicting with SSB's reading messages of players as inputs
Commit #007daf - Fixed detection of command cooldowns
Commit #d8ad2b - Fixed player times and weather do not update when entering islands
Commit #0823c2 - Fixed default miner #1 mission doesn't rankup generator-rates upgrade
Commit #c19ef9 - Potential fix for entity dragons flying away from islands
Commit #4d74d5 - Added the ability to prepare end worlds using the API
Commit #937f59 - Fixed a potential NPE when having dragon fights enabled
Commit #e25657 - Fixed a potential NPE for loading data from files
Commit #65ec81 - Added cache for calculation of unloaded chunks so they are not done more than once
Commit #66b805 - Fixed Island#getLoadedChunks returning null chunks
Commit #1b6988 - Removed unnecessary sortings when changing bonus worth/level
Commit #e3f62a - Removed debug message
Commit #9f3058 - Fixed calculation of blocks in unloaded chunks in 1.19
Commit #f32637 - Fixed players not able to place stacked blocks on non-solid blocks (grass, snow layers, ferns, etc)
Commit #a9bc28 - Fixed location placeholder is not detected correctly
Commit #44c0b4 - Fixed the ability to poison other entities on islands
Commit #d33d53 - Fixed detection of coops for coop-damage
Commit #0390e8 - Fixed the requirement of location worlds to be loaded in other places in the code
Commit #6367e3 - Optimized persistence data containers creation for players and islands
Commit #4f63d8 - Optimized ram usage of schematics in memory
Commit #2f0df1 - Fixed casting errors with recent versions of SkinsRestorer
Commit #b2ff61 - Fixed an out of bounds error when getting island at invalid positions
Commit #98a3e4 - Added missing skull textures of entities to the default files
Commit #47bfc9 - Potential fix for NPE when using EpicSpawners 7
Commit #1671a5 - Added support for location based placeholders with the custom placeholders registered using the PlaceholdersService
Commit #121ace - Removed unnecssary packets sent to players, as well as fixed issues with ViaVersion
Commit #c2cbfc - Fixed errors thrown with SkinsRestorer in recent versions
Commit #33a9f1 - Fixed old visitors sign not being inactive when a new one is placed
Commit #478a96 - Fixed errors thrown when accessing top island menu
Commit #03be8c - Fixed grid cannot be saved correctly if the world of the island is not loaded
Commit #be53bd - Fixed issues with loading island chests causing errors
Commit #1f5815 - Added lazy-loading data for invalid worlds
Commit #144a21 - Optimized sortings of top islands to only be done when necessary
Commit #fb5b0f - Optimized ArrayList usage by replacing it with sequential lists when possible
Commit #39676e - Fixed a potential out of bounds error using getIslandAtPosition method
Commit #22d742 - Potentially fixes issues with SkinsRestorer throwing errors when not setup as local
Commit #d901da - Fixed homes and warps require worlds to be loaded when islands are loaded
Commit #c310b7 - Fixed error when pasteing schematic with entities inside it
Commit #fb2527 - Fixed incorrect mapping method for 1.19
----------, Aug 5, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 73,730
First Release: Jan 3, 2021
Last Update: Nov 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
128 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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