Tomorrow comes the update for Spigot 1.7-1.12 Server!
+ The command /mhp setWarpWG [Arena] to create the warp location for the WitchGame.
+ The command /mhp delWarpWG [Arena] to delete the warp location of the WitchGame.
+ The command /mhp warpWG to teleport a player to the WitchGame warp location.
+ The Messages.yml message "Message.22" ("You have changed the Warp of the arena &e[ARENA]&6.").
+ The Messages.yml message "Message.23"("You have deleted the Warp of the arena &e[ARENA]&6.").
+ The Messages.yml message "Message.24"("The arena &e[ARENA]&6 does not have a Warp location.").
+ The Messages.yml message "HelpText.16"("This command is changing the WitchGame Warp location."").
+ The Messages.yml message "HelpText.17"("This command is deleting the WitchGame Warp location.").
+ The Messages.yml message "HelpText.18"("This command teleports you to the WitchGame.").