+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.TurtleCreepe" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "TurtleCreepe".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.TurtleDrowned" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "TurtleDrowned".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.PhantomCreeper" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "PhantomCreeper".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.PhantomZombie" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "PhantomZombie".
+ The Config.yml option "SpawnChance.PhantomSkeleton" to set the SpaceChange for the new Mob-Type "PhantomSkeleton".
+ The mobs now always carry the right pumpkin on their head