GunGame is like free for all but with more features. With each kill you get improved equipment.
When a player dies, he loses some of his levels.
The game runs infinitely so new players can join at any time.
You want to see for yourself, no problem, our test server is at your disposal.
The official GunGame testing server IPis46.253.113.245:2121
GunGame is not just a simple GunGame plugin.
It also has some cool features to make it stand out from the other solutions on the market!
The most special features are listed here.
Editable settings - Change messages how you like, adjust item prices to your
liking, rename items to your liking and much more settings.
Stats - All stats such as deaths, kills and more are stored in the database.
So you can have several GunGame servers and every player has the same stats on every server.
VIP kick - In GunGame we offer the eula friendly function VIP kick.
If a GunGame server is full, a player who does not have the VIP kick permission
will be kicked off the server and a place will be made available for the VIP player.
Teams - Players can create teams to avoid friendly fire.
Custom killstreaks - Create your own killstreaks easily
via an in-game menu without complicated configuration.
Keep killstreak - When a player leaves the server in the safe zone, he keeps his
killstreak level and gets it again when he joins again.
Holograms (Top 5, Stats) - Show the top 5 GunGame players and the stats of a player.
Shop - There is a shop where players can buy items with their killstreak level.
Jumppads - You want jumppads in your GunGame ?
Maybe it should be an iron pressure plate or a gold pressure plate or none ?
You can choose between 4 pressure plates which one serves as a jumppad.
Developer API - A small but useful API for developers.
Placeholder support - The plugin also supports the PlaceholderAPI.
%gungame_level% - Level of the player.
%gungame_maxteamsize% - The maximum size of a team.
%gungame_deahts% - Deaths of the player.
%gungame_kills% - Kills of the player.
%gungame_ranking% - Ranking of the player.
%gungame_kd% - K/D of the player.
Custom Reward - Reward your players with a custom command for each kill.
Version compatibility - Your server is on version 1.8.8 or 1.21 no problem!
GunGame works from version 1.8.8 up to 1.21.
Easy Setup - Typing commands is a thing of the past.
Enter your server, open the setup chest and get started.
Premium Support - GunGame is updated regularly so that you can receive fixes and improvements quickly.
Found a bug or want to suggest something ?
Don't hesitate to contact us and you will get the response in the next 12 hours!
The Support is provided in
English and
A complete list of the
Features is here:
- Tablist
- Actionbar
- Holograms
- Safe zone
- Build Mode
- Scoreboard
- Chat (Custom Editable)
- Only BungeeCord (No Multiworld Servers)
- Instant water death and lava
- Easy Setup
- Customizable MOTD
It is possible that the files are not always up to date.
Translated configs are available on our
Files Version: 1.0.7
Prefix: '&7[&6GunGame&7]'
ChatFormat: '&7(%level%) &a%player%&7: &f%message%'
NoPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to execute that command!'
Died: '&7You died.'
Killed: '&7You were killed by &a%killer%&7. &7(&e%killerlvl%&7)'
YouKill: '&7You have killed &a%player%&7. &7(&e%enemylvl%&7)'
Killstreak: '&a%player% &7achieved a &b%streak% &7killstreak!'
SafeZoneMSG: '&cYou may not fight within the spawn area.'
Actionbar: '&aMaximum team size &8(&7%teamsize%&8)'
ServerFull: '&cThe server is full. VIP players can enter.'
KickedByVIP: '&cYou were returned to the lobby to make space for a VIP or staff Member.'
OnlyVIPJoin: '&cThe server is full. With &6VIP &cyou can always join.'
'On': '&7You are now in the Build Mode.'
'Off': '&7You are no longer in the Build Mode.'
Name: '&6&lSHOP'
NotEnough: '&cYou don''t have enough levels for that.'
AlreadyActive: '&cThis item is already active.'
MoreNotPossible: '&cYou cannot activate more of this item.'
'On': '&aYou will now receive team requests again.'
'Off': '&cYou will no longer receive team requests.'
Disabled: '&a%player% &cdoes not accept team requests.'
NoRequest: '&cYou have not received a request.'
AlreadyInTeam: '&a%player% &cis already in a team.'
AlreadyInvited: '&cYou have already invited &a%player%&c.'
InvitationSent: '&7You sent &a%player% &7a team request.'
InvitationReceived: '&7You received a team request from &a%player%&7.'
InvitationDeclined: '&7You declined the team invitation.'
Accept: '&a&lACCEPT'
Decline: '&c&lDECLINE'
Header: '&a%leader%''s team'
Players: '&8- &a%player%'
Full: '&cThe team is full.'
NoTeam: '&cYou are in no team.'
PlayerNoTeam: '&cThis player is not in any team.'
FriendlyFire: '&cYou cannot attack players from your team.'
NotOnline: '&cThis player is not online.'
NotLeader: '&cYou are not the team leader.'
NewLeader: '&7The new team leader is now &a%player%&7.'
SelfInteract: '&cYou cannot interact with yourself.'
Joined: '&a%player% &7has joined the team.'
Leaved: '&a%player% &7left the team.'
Kicked: '&a%player% &7was kicked off the team.'
Deleted: '&cThe team was disbanded because it is empty.'
Disabled: '&cTeaming is disabled.'
Help: '&6Information about the team system//&e/Team invite [Name] &8- &7Invites
a player to the team.//&e/Team accept [Name] &8- &7Accepts a request.//&e/Team
deny [Name] &8- &7Declines a request.//&e/Team leave &8- &7Leaves the team.//&e/Team
kick [Name] &8- &7Kicks a player from the team.//&e/Team requests &8- &7Toggles
team requests.//&e/Team list &8- &7Displays the members of the team.'
Command: /Coins %player% addcoins 10
Message: '&7You received &e10 &7Coins.'
Lines: '&7-= &a%player%''s &estatistics &7=-//&7K/D&8: &e%kd%//&7Kills&8: &e%kills%//&7Deaths&8:
&e%deaths%//&7Ranking&8: &e%ranking%//&7---------------------'
NotFound: '&cThis player could not be found.'
NotOnline: '&cThis player is not online.'
PleaseUse: '&cPlease use /Stats [Name]'
'1': '%playerhead%'
'2': '&7Statistics from &a%player%'
'3': '&7K/D&8: &e%kd%'
'4': '&7Kills&8: &e%kills%'
'5': '&7Deaths&8: &e%deaths%'
'6': '&7Ranking&8: &e%ranking%'
'1': '%icon-GOLDEN_HELMET%'
'2': '&eTop 5 players'
'3': '&6#%position% &a%player% &8(&7%kills% Kills&8)'
'1': '%icon-CLOCK%'
'2': '&eTop 5 players'
'3': '&cLoading...'
Title: '&f&lGUNGAME'
'12': '&1'
'11': '&fLevel:'
'10': '&6%level%'
'9': '&3'
'8': '&fKills:'
'7': '&e%kills%'
'6': '&4'
'5': '&fDeaths:'
'4': '&c%deaths%'
'3': '&5'
'2': '&fRanking:'
'1': '&a%ranking%'
Header: '&bGunGame//&6Available on &eSpigotMC&6!'
Footer: '&7Thank you for play on this server &e%player%&7.'
Join: '&aJoin'
Full: '&6Full'
MaxPlayers: '40'
Title: '&8GunGame Shop'
Size: '27'
ItemType: '15'
ItemName: '&bSnowball'
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '10'
Amount: '3'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '1'
Lore: '&7Throw a few snowballs//&7at your opponents.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l: &e&l%cost%
ItemName: '&bFishing Rod'
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '11'
Amount: '1'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '3'
Lore: '&7Play a bit more//&7tactically with a fishing rod.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l:
&e&l%cost% LEVEL'
ItemName: '&bBow'
Item: BOW
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '12'
Amount: '1'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '5'
Lore: '&7Shoot players//&7from long distances.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l: &e&l%cost%
ItemName: '&bArrow'
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '13'
Amount: '1'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '1'
Lore: '&7You need that.//&7if you have a bow.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l: &e&l%cost%
ItemName: '&bExtra hearts'
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '14'
Amount: '2'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '3'
Lore: '&7Get some extra hearts//&7to last longer in battle.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l:
&e&l%cost% LEVEL'
ItemName: '&bSpeed on kill'
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '15'
Amount: '1'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '5'
Lore: '&7With every kill you//&7get speed for a short time.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l:
&e&l%cost% LEVEL'
ItemName: '&bEnderpearl'
ItemType: '0'
ItemSlot: '16'
Amount: '1'
Glow: 'false'
Cost: '5'
Lore: '&7No more desire to be in//&7a fight then teleport away.//&r//&6&lCOST&7&l:
&e&l%cost% LEVEL'
/GunGame — List all GunGame commands.
/GunGame reload — Reload all config settings.
/Build — Activate or deactivate the Build mode.
/Teams — List all Teams commands.
/Stats (Player) — View your or another player's stats.
Permissions — To run the /Build command.
gungame.admin — All rights for the GunGame.
gungame.checkupdate — To receive update notification..
gungame.vipkick — To kick normal players out of the server when the server is full.
1. Download the plugin after buying it and drag it to your plugin folder.
2. Now restart or start your server.
3. Now open the GunGame folder in your plugins folder and open the License.yml.
1. And now read what's in there.
4. Next you enter your MySQL database in MySQL.yml.
5. If your server is running 1.12 check all items in the configs.
(Because there are some items below 1.12 that were named differently.) 6. Now restart your server and make sure that no errors appear.
If no errors appear and everything loaded without problems, the setup is complete.
Code (Java):
//Gets the level killstreak of a player. GunGameAPI.
//Returns the maximum team size. GunGameAPI.
//Gets the team id of a player. GunGameAPI.
//Query if a player is in build mode. GunGameAPI.
//Query if a player is in the safe zone. GunGameAPI.
//Open the GunGame shop. GunGameAPI.
Before you ask for Support, please check all the steps.
Never use
Reviews to report errors or ask anything.
Here are the Support options:
If you want to discuss with us don't forget to tag@Neonn_Bukkit. Don't forget the discussion place is not a Support place!
For general assistance, Support and suggestions join our Discord.
PM'ing us on SpigotMC is also a way of contact, but it will make you to wait longer.
If you want to pay with PaysafeCard, then click here.
By purchasing GunGame you agree that no refund will ever be provided no matter the reason.
By downloading and using GunGame, you agree to the following Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy (
please contact us before purchasing if you have any questions regarding them!):
Use GunGame on any number of servers you own or represent.
Redistribute GunGame or its parts to third parties in any way.
Attempt to decompile or deobfuscate the source code of GunGame or its parts.
Request or attempt to obtain a full or partial refund/payback/chargeback regardless the problems you might be experiencing.
Resell the software under our name or your own.
Always keep your knowledge regarding GunGame TOS up to date.
Take full responsibility of your GunGame copy and what happens with it.
Either be 18 years old or have a permission granted by parents or other legal representative(s) to make a purchase.
Always observe the TOS.
We do not change the software for anyone, not even for an extra fee, it stays as it is.
Reserve the right to update the TOS at any time, with or without a notification.
Reserve the right to apply various forms of sanctions in your direction in case you violate the TOS.
The use of the following product ("GunGame", "the Plugin", "the Software") created and
maintained by the GunGame Development Team ("the Developers", "We", "Our") by the end
user ("the User", "You", "Your") indicates complete and absolute agreement of the User
with all of the following terms, conditions and statements ("the Terms", "the Conditions").
We guarantee that your data that is stored by us is only required to protect the Software or to confirm a purchase consent.
This information has no Supporters or Helpers.
The data is stored securely and cannot be made public.
We may collect, store and process the following data:
The Spigot user name and ID number used for authentication.
The unique Software download nonce ID used for authentication.
The Software version string used for authentication.
Copyright GunGame, 2016-2024
You have to say thank you, so here my thanks to:
First of all, of course, thank you to all buyers.
Thanks to all Supporters and Helpers.
To Reflex (the Team) because we were inspired by them because of the information page.