Added support for MMOItems and ItemsAdder plugins. To add items from these plugins, take the items into your inventory, go to /dungeon editor -> your dungeon -> rewards -> and add rewards quickly by dragging the item onto the +icon. That's it! Afterwards, you can configure the displayed name, chance, and limit.
Added the "use" flag for dungeon regions. Now, the dungeon region can be configured to be disabled and have its name changed.
Added the command /dungeon despawn <* - all, dungeon-id>.Permission:dungeons.command.despawn
Improved the dungeon spawning system.
Updated location search system.Now, you can customize the generator in the config.yml file. You can specify either the search radius or the barrier radius. [!] Fixed a bug where it was possible to visually set the chance of an item above 100. [!] Fixed a bug where the menu title was not updating. [-] The WorldGuard plugin is now optional.
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