⚔️TheDungeons - Automatic generation in any world icon

⚔️TheDungeons - Automatic generation in any world -----

A custom dungeon with multiple functionality: Monsters, access levels and much more! [1.17-1.21.4]

Welcome MMOItems & ItemsAdder
[ +] Added support for MMOItems and ItemsAdder plugins.
To add items from these plugins, take the items into your inventory, go to /dungeon editor -> your dungeon -> rewards -> and add rewards quickly by dragging the item onto the +icon. That's it! Afterwards, you can configure the displayed name, chance, and limit.

[ +] Added the "use" flag for dungeon regions. Now, the dungeon region can be configured to be disabled and have its name changed.

[ +] Added the command /dungeon despawn <* - all, dungeon-id>. Permission: dungeons.command.despawn

[ +] Improved the dungeon spawning system.

[ +] Updated location search system. Now, you can customize the generator in the config.yml file. You can specify either the search radius or the barrier radius.

Fixed a bug where it was possible to visually set the chance of an item above 100.
[!] Fixed a bug where the menu title was not updating.
[-] The WorldGuard plugin is now optional.

ideas & help
✨With wonderful support and frequent updates, each of your adventures becomes exciting and filled with fun:love: Leave your enthusiastic review and become part of our magical team, creating enchanting moments together(y)

[​IMG] [​IMG]
----------, Jul 23, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,624
First Release: Jul 10, 2023
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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