TO SEE All news features in video join this discord channel: UPDATE
New custom block command
SELL_CONTENT, it will allow you to sell stick for example
(it sells all the content of a chest / furnace / globally all blocks that have an inventory)
> require
ShopGUIPlus & Vault
Thanks to @Artsuki#5478
New custom player command
Fix a rare issue with the custom command HEAD, CHESTPLATE, LEGGINGS, BOOTS.
Fix an issue with the initialisation of number variables in the command /ei give
> example : /ei give Ssomar test 1 VAR(x:5)
the giveslot command has been modified !
You can now init the usage or the variables directly in the command !
/ei giveslot Ssomar test 1 0 USAGE(50) VAR(x:Hey,world:Island)
So format is:
/ei giveslot {player} {id} {quantity} {slot} [override true or false] [USAGE()] [VAR()]
Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !