- Servers compatibility:
HackedServer 1.x used the spigot vanilla system to communicate with the mods, now it uses the native minecraft server code which should make it version dependant. However thanks to some reflection tricks and runtime bytecode generation HackedServer should stay compatible from 1.8 to newer version (even 1.14 without you having to update it)
- Clients Compatibility:Hacked Server now overrides the native minecraft code (Minecraft Key) to work around limitations and support servers that use ViaVersion or ProtocolSupport to support players of different versions
- Big thanks to
Gogume1er (UHCfr lead dev), Shevchik (ProtocolSupport owner), Xharos (islands-wars owner), and 52x44z (mcp & forge developer) who helped me to implement cross version server support (servers with Viaversion or ProtocolSupport) or to understand exactly what was causing compatibility issues with bungeecord (a patch may be possible)