Here is a new bugfixes update from Boy:
- Fix dupe with Backpack mechanic related to keepinv
- Fix issues related to Directional blocks
- Add option to set the row-count, menu-glyph and overlay-glyph of `/oraxen inventory` command
- Add SettingsUpdater to automatically move old configs to new paths, and keeping potential changes
- Add setting to make all recipes a player has permission for be shown in the recipe book
- Make it easier to access changeDurability method of DurabilityMechanic
- Fixes textures not located inside Minecraft namespace not properly being added to atlas file
- Fix nullpointers relevant to renaming items in anvils
- Improve error feedback when Polymath server is down
I know there there has been issues with polymath recently. I am working on deploying a new infrastructure capable of handling much more resource packs. This should be good in a few days.