►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► icon

►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► -----

A high-class warp plugin allowing you and your players to warp through space and time w/High control

► 5.4.6 (Moderate Update) ►
API Changes
  • Added the "isVanished" method to the "Manager" class.

  • Most instances of HashMap were replaced with the Map key. This is to generify more areas of the API. This may cause some issues for those utilizing the warp maps directly in their hooks.

  • The "isForbiddenMaterial" was added to the "Manager" class.
Plugin Changes
  • Added 1.16.4 packet support.

  • Added the "global-warp-commands" feature to the "general-section" within the "config.yml" which is used to run commands any time a warp is used.

  • The WorldGuard hook was adjusted to always block creation in WorldGuard regions unless the "HD-ALLOW" flag is set to allow.

  • Added Premium Vanish and CMI Vanish support to prevent animations from playing. Vanishing during the teleportation process will NOT cancel the animation.

  • The player list used for black/white list features now uses offline player wrappers to display while those users are not present.

  • Assistants nor the owner of a warp will receive a notification if the player using the warp vanishes through the Premium Vanish plugin.

  • Updated some hook checks to ensure member or ownership of protected regions is checked before blocking.

  • Implemented the "invulnerability-duration" option to the "config.yml" under the "teleportation-section" section. This feature will allow HyperDrive to grant the player IMMUNITY to ALL damage after teleportation for a specified duration. Setting this new value to -1 will disable it.

  • The non-admin "/back" command now checks if the player is in creative mode alongside whether the block under their previous location is water or lava. If this is the case, they will not be able to use the feature unless done via the admin version of the command "/back <player>".

  • Made several white/black list adjustments and permission formatting tweaks internally to prevent any form of warp access issues.

  • The featured sorting pages are now overridden based on visit/traffic counts. This means alphabetical and likes ratios are only used when the traffic counts are identical.

  • Teleportation damage cancellation now avoids suffocation, void, lava, and drowning damage.

  • Added the "hyperdrive.backdelaybypass" and "hyperdrive.spawndelaybypass" permission nodes. All other teleportation delays will rely on "hyperdrive.tpdelaybypass".

  • All of the "tppos" commands now accept the '~' symbol and now include tab completion for it.

  • The "forbidden-materials" list located under the "rtp-teleportation-section" has been moved under the "global-filter-section" to allow more global control over teleportation.

  • Fixed some sorting issues causing the entire system to skip sorts under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue with the assistants' list command involving permissions.

  • Fixed some teleport instances where the player's "/back" last location value was not being set.

  • Fixed the coloring issue with the "description-set" message in the "lang.yml".

  • Fixed an issue where no matter what action was performed, cooldowns, in general, would remain stored in the cooldown map until the value is updated or the server is restarted.

  • Fixed an issue where the "hyperdrive.use.*" parent permission was missing the "hyperdrive.back" permission and contained an unintentional admin delay bypass permission.

  • Fixed an issue enabling the ability to utilize HyperDrive's menu through renamed chests creating a "custom inventory".
----------, Nov 11, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 766
First Release: Jan 20, 2016
Last Update: May 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
102 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings