Fix ► - Fixed an issue with whitelist icon displays that was causing the third player in the list to not be counted.
Change ► - Warp limiting permissions now select the highest value found in the player's permission list instead of the first.
Addition ► - Added the following options under the icon section in the config.yml:
Code (YAML):
# This is used in warp icons to display the main owner and other helping owners.
Owners Plural
" and %amount% other(s)!"
# This is used in warp icons to display the first two players and others.
Whitelist Plural
" and %amount% other(s)!"
# This is used in warp icons to display the only two players in the whitelist.
Whitelist Duel Separator
" and "
# This is used in warp icons to display when there are no players in the whitelist.
Whitelist None