►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► icon

►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► -----

A high-class warp plugin allowing you and your players to warp through space and time w/High control

► Changes/Fixes Update ►
Please review these changes, fixes, and additions carefully. After reviewing, update your configuration files with any added or changed options as the plugin will use default values if the values are not present in your current files.

Change/Addition ► - The following messages have been changed/added inside the Lang.yml file:
Code (Text):
Warp Move Cancelled: "&cTeleportation has been canceled due to movement."
Warp Damage Cancelled: "&cTeleportation has been canceled due to damage is taken."
Addition ► - The options below have been added under the 'Options' section:
Code (Text):
# If this option is enabled, players that teleport in any shape or form through HyperDrive will keep their Yaw and Pitch.
Maintain Head Rotation: false
# Should taking damage from any source interrupt the player's teleportation?
Warp Damage Cancel: true
Change ► - The 'Warp Movment Cancel' option has been renamed to 'Warp Movement Cancel'.
Fix ► - Fixed an issue with random group teleportation, where group members would not be teleported and instead sent to the group leader's previous location.
Change ► - Changed how tasks work within teleportation to prevent previously ran tasks from picking up where it left off.
----------, Jul 25, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 766
First Release: Jan 20, 2016
Last Update: May 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
102 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings