ADDED the option to configure the title of the ritual you are currently at. It is set to "(here)" by default but can be changed in the config.yml.
ADDED version compatibility checks to the sounds played when using rituals
ADDED a message to be sent when a player is trying to use a ritual, but is not in the center of it.
FIXED an issue with the server checking method, which was causing occasional errors.
Updated config: (please delete file or add strings manually if updating)
Code (Text):
Seperate-Drop-Items: true
Using-Title: '&c(here)'
Not-Created: '&cYou must create the ritual before activating it!'
Ritual-Created: '&aRitual has successfully been created!'
Not-In-Middle: '&cYou must be in the center of the ritual to teleport!'
Not-While-Using: '&cYou can not do this while you are using a Ritual!'
No-Create-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to create rituals!'
No-Use-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to use rituals!'
No-Use-Other-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to use rituals not owned by you!'
No-Endereye-Travel-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to fast travel!'
No-Ritual-Travel: '&cThis ritual does not have any rituals to travel to!'
Hit-Creation-Limit: '&cYou have the max number of rituals! You must remove one first.'
Activate-Ritual: '&aSuccessfully activated ritual!'
Already-Active: '&cThis ritual is already active!'
Already-Created: '&aThis ritual has already been created! You must activate it instead!'
Already-Using: '&cYou can only use one ritual at a time!'
Deactivated-Ritual: '&cSuccessfully deactivated ritual'
Removed-Ritual: '&cSuccessfully removed ritual'
Teleporting: '&aTeleporting in %seconds%.. please wait.'
Ritual-Timeout: 20 # in seconds
Teleport-Delay: 6 # in seconds
Debug: false
Update-Check: true