ADDED the option to create a separate item for creating a ritual. This means that you have the option to customize what drop item activates and which ones create the ritual.
If you do not want separate items, simply change "Seperate-Drop-Items" to false and it will use the activate item list.
ADDED particle method that detects server version and adapts automatically due to enum changes.
ADDED a message that sends if you do not have additional rituals to teleport to.
Updated config: (please delete file or add strings manually if updating)
Code (Text):
Seperate-Drop-Items: true
Not-Created: '&cYou must create the ritual before activating it!'
Ritual-Created: '&aRitual has successfully been created!'
Not-While-Using: '&cYou can not do this while you are using a Ritual!'
No-Create-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to create rituals!'
No-Use-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to use rituals!'
No-Use-Other-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to use rituals not owned by you!'
No-Endereye-Travel-Perms: '&cYou do not have permission to fast travel!'
No-Ritual-Travel: '&cThis ritual does not have any rituals to travel to!'
Hit-Creation-Limit: '&cYou have the max number of rituals! You must remove one first.'
Activate-Ritual: '&aSuccessfully activated ritual!'
Already-Active: '&cThis ritual is already active!'
Already-Created: '&aThis ritual has already been created! You must activate it instead!'
Already-Using: '&cYou can only use one ritual at a time!'
Deactivated-Ritual: '&cSuccessfully deactivated ritual'
Removed-Ritual: '&cSuccessfully removed ritual'
Teleporting: '&aTeleporting in %seconds%.. please wait.'
Ritual-Timeout: 20 # in seconds
Teleport-Delay: 6 # in seconds
Debug: false
Update-Check: true