Wiki has been updated for all of the new features:
Homes & Economy Update:
- Staff money command /money give/take/set <player> <amount> (/econ)
- Balance /balance (/bal)
- Top balances /baltop
- Send money to a player /pay (/paypal, /cashapp, /venmo)
- Money logging to console (config)
- GUI showing all of player's homes /home
- Teleport to a public home /hwarp (/hw, /pwarp, /pw)
- Tepeport to someone's public home /hwarp #<number>
- Teleport to a home /home <name> (/h)
- Add a home /sethome <home> (/hset)
- Remove a home /removehome <home> (/hremove)
- Change display item /edithome item <home> (/hedit)
- Change display name (by permission) /edithome name <home> <name> (/hedit)
- Change category (by permission) /edithome category <home> <name> (/hedit)
- Change cost (by permission) /edithome cost <home> <number> (/hedit)
- Toggle public status (by permission) /edithome public <home> (/hedit)
- Migrate homes from another plugin /migrate <essentials/cmi> <homes>
- Counts number of private visits
- Counts number of public visits
- Teleporting to homes has cooldown
Other Updates:
- Chat Bot: Updated to include more defaults
- Help Menu: Updated to include player homes & public homes
- Scheduler: Now allows grouping of commands
- Sidebar: Fixed error with blank config files. Fixed lines being too long. Checking if players are online first.
- Nick Color: Once you pick a nick color it will stay even after you change your name
- Chat Tag: No longer takes over vault prefix
- Refreshed GUI defaults to align with summer colors
- %player% %playerName% and %ecore_nickname% will show the person's username if they haven't selected a nickname.
- Fixed issue with AFK spam
New Permissions:
- ecore.econ.balance.others - Get balance of other players
- ecore.econ.give - Give money to a player
- ecore.econ.set - Set a player's money
- ecore.econ.take - Take money from a player
- ecore.admin.migrate - Import data from another plugin
- ecore.home.cost.bypass - Don't get charged for teleports
- ecore.home.edit.cost
- ecore.home.edit.public
- ecore.home.edit.category
- ecore.home.edit.item
- ecore.home.max.1 - 100
- ecore.home.max.unlimited