Chat Update:
* Added /join (alias /j) and /leave (alias /l) for channels
* Added /c alias for /chat (enable in aliases.yml)
* Added message prefix for /flex, /chat reaction, /chat
* Radius chat works with Towny chats
Cooldown Update:
* Cooldown shows the fraction of the seconds remaining (Example: shows 1.96s instead of 2s)
* Make cooldowns shorter for selected permissions (configure in config.yml)
* chat.bypass.cooldown will bypass all cooldowns now
* Decreased default cooldown for chatReaction to 10
* Increased default cooldown for chatFlex to 10
* Fixed permission names in chatFlex.yml to use ecore instead of echat
DiscordSRV Update:
* Added option for broadcastChannel in chat.yml
* Added option for format in chat.yml
* Added markdown support for /broadcast
* Fixed issue with DiscordSRV and multiple channels
Under the Hood / Bug Fixes:
* Replaced all rogue message handlers with a shared method
* Fixed some spammy permission messages
* Cleaned up console logging
* Fixed several plugin warnings
* Fixed issue with Towny / Nation chats